this message may be offensive
Guys i did have to delete the Jelena story Fate and it's sequel because the person who translated it into a Jelena fanfiction joined wattpad and said that i stole her translation, even though i gave her credit and stated that it wasn't mine, but i took it down because i didn't want to start unnecessary shit. But she has recently commented on my Harlena translation of There Will be Blood and claimed that i stole it. I took the time out of my day to change the names and i gave the original author credit. The stories that i have translated are The Mysterious Case of the Blackbird Rorschach and There Will be Blood and She Flies with her own wings. I stated in the description of all those stories where i got them and the name of the original author. If that is still stealing for her then she's doing the same thing. I honestly want peace on here, i don't want any drama but she is bringing drama on my translations. I get the whole Fate issue and i respectfully took it down but here coming to my page and to my translation is her just asking for attention. I just want peace on here.