


So to old readers that have read my twilight stuff, Animal That Won't Love Me is getting a complete makeover. Title, plot and all. So to those that have read it, it is going into editing and will be redone from the ground up. When it will be republished. I'm not sure, it will have to share time with my other story but, I will do my best to get it back to you guys.


Today marks a year since Passion In The Game was posted! I know I should have something to post for you guys. I did promise something new but, as of late I've been offline and writing just a little bit. If I do post something today, it'll be a miracle. If not, I'll do my best to post in May. I want to give you guys something and get out of this hiatus. I have two stories in the making as of now and I'm getting there. So, hold on little bit and I'll give you guys something to dive into it.