
I’m finally starting on something I said I would creat a while a go. I’m gonna start the first few drafts and we’ll see how it goes from there! ~ stay tuned!


 If you were killed, I won't be at your funeral . . . Because I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you! We are true friends, we ride together and we die together. Send this to everyone you care about including me[if you want to it's your choice] see how many times you get this I want you to know how amazing and awsome you are! And you're my friend till the very end, if you didn't get this back, I understand. 
          But I do have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 other people, if you do receive 3 back then my friend you are loved, including from me! 


Holy cats wearing hats, I forgot how terrible it felt to be sick! My stomachs is flipping and I have major headaches. At least I’m cyber schooled so I can do work from home but I’ll miss track practice and probably won’t be able to go to the upcoming meet then... oh well.


            Oh you're sick too!?!! 
            Yay! We can be *chough* sock together!


          So apparently there is a thing called article 13. Now I don’t know much about it but from what I’ve heard, Article 13 is pretty much going to wipe out fanfiction, fan art, writings in general made by people on Wattpad or quotev or any other similar site. A lovely wonderful person named @LJMaki has come up with the #protectyourcommunity in order to spread more awareness about article 13 and to see if we can stop it.


Quick question.... what should I be for Halloween? I need a last minute costume! Please comment an idea wether it be a book/movie/anime character or a gender-bent character (For example, I could make the princess crown and become Marioette?) or it can be a meme but I just need something! I have have chocolate colored hair that goes a little under my collar bones and I have blue gray eyes if that helps, I also have an olive skin tone. Seriously I just need help!