
Why am I still getting notifications from some illiterate cretin? Thought I had them muted because I don't get on well with children. Or the simple minded. 


The new writing app I am using has a much better interface, I am actually thankful for recent events since they made me put the effort in and transfer. I think I will establish my place their and send those of you who care to follow my work that way. Honestly you can just shred my work into pieces, I have enough dignity to allow you that pleasure.


Well, someone decided to send their rabid fans on a witch hunt and didn't even have the guts to tag me in it. I won't name names because honestly I'm not that pathetic. Now they're saying that everyone hates their stuff when honestly it was me and two others and I wasn't hating. Not at all. But you see now I'm in a unique position where it's the 'author' I dislike and not the work. I say author loosely because almost none of the work is theirs. If it wasn't for the one story I'm still interested in I'd leave this platform because I don't want to get dragged down with the reputation that people like that give it. Oh, and it'll be so funny to see them stagnate and never improve. 


This community is as good as dead. You can't even offer constructive help without getting slated for it. Should I just fawn and pretend your work is good and has no flaws? I deliberately wrote mine the way I did as satire and to mock such things! Maybe people shouldn't write stories about things they don't understand. 


Oh, now I sound like an evil puppetmaster addressing her many marionnets. Worry not, I seek to entertain, not to frighten and future content matters many be disturbing to a number of you but I shall never restrict you by force and instead give you forewarning and I, perhaps against my better judgement, give you full discretion and responsibility.


Now, you may have those back when I think I can tolerate this filth on my reputation. I commend your loyalty and persistance but I cannot lie to you any longer. Do not think any less of me for my future endeavours and know that the brutality I express begins and ends at the 'door' of the internet. My real intentions are not so vitriolic in the flesh but a mere shadow upon a page or a screen, only ever in code or ink. I give you my thanks but now I shall let you see my real façade on the internet and my real alter personality. 
          It feels so good to finally embrace the internet for what it is, a sweet relief from the warm, fetid flesh I was born with and instead be constructed of machines.
          So, with pleasure I can offer tales of magic and science when at last the intertwine in the most wonderful of ways as I let you in on a few secrets of my own.


Fear not, however, you may still have your fanfictions but I warn you that I will be taking them in an extremely dark direction and if you find yourself quailing in the face of trepidation then I shall allow you exit. But, do not confuse my action in this for license and I implore you, heed my words very carefully and at least try a taste of something different before you walk away.


I am seriously considering wiping several of my stories from my works. I am frankly astounded that not one of you have noticed how utterly flawed they are or, at the very least, that they are a complete piss take of fanfiction.
          I count myself disappointed and write this experiment off as a failiure.
          Now, should you desire something worth a damn then by all means stay but if generic, mindless fanservice is all you are looking for then there is nothing for you here and I urge you to no longer waste your time.
          Good day.