The Name is Alfred, 14 years old, becoming 15 this 16th day of July :D
Enough of my introduction, let me spit out my perspective towards this stuff, so called, STORY WRITING.
So first, don't take it as an insult or hate but, seriously, as i browse other's story (which is not bad though) i don't know how to say this but, it fall in the mainstream. AS in it's so common, the plot, what's going next, the relationship thing. I'm tired of it and i know you're tired too. That "ShitIFellinloveWithMyBestfriend" stories or that"SillyBadBitchIntheCampus"stories or the most common of all, the "The-ugly-duckling-undergoes-in-a-metamorphosis-and-turned-into-a-motherfucking-pretty-girl-and the-leading-man-begs-her-to-love-him-again"stories or maybe, the annoying story of "HowMeAndMyCrushGotTogether"...admit it to yourself, it's so common, though nothing is bad at all. That is why my GOAL is to create something unique, something new, something that doesn't flow in the mainstream, something that doesn't fall in the line of mediocrity. I admit that i daydream most of the time whenever i'm alone, listening to music, feeling sad and before going to sleep. I have the ability to create my own World using my super-intensified imagination with the help of my emotion. Yup that's right, my imagination is vast and powerful it could create such a mood swings to myself. That imagination helps me to create the idea of making this writing stuff, i do not guarantee that you'll love it and get attached to it but this story reflects what i feel most of the time. Feeling of being left and alone. And the nostalgia of past experience, an emotion experiences. And that is my basis of my story. I'd rather write it in english-tagalog so that i can write the story easily :D sooooo...that's it :D
it's a wrap!!
  • Charlestown, Massachusetts
  • JoinedAugust 15, 2012