
Hey, posting this to let everyone know I’m rewriting reflection. I already posted the first seven chapters, same story. 


Ahhh okay that explains the bombardment of notifications that I received yesterday. I was so happy thinking that it was a new chapter. 


The rewrite of the story reflection is perfect, I almost cried again just because of the first chapters, you portrayed the emotions so well and the scenes are extremely easy to understand and put into imagination.
          Props to you, honestly.


@ SpookyLuc77  Uhm..where do you find it? Im trying to find it but i don't know where wrote it may i ask where is it? If you can share the link thank you


Please be part two of "I Will Be Your Family"
          you left a very open ending you could have explored Zuko's thief side more (I thought it was an incredible idea) how Zuko will meet the dragons, the masters of earth and fire from Anng and Zuko has five bounties on his head (I think ) you could do this so much that it can still be done that the ending is even bad because of how much it was left open 
          And I looked for other stories where they are brothers and I couldn't find just yours 
          I loved the story (:
          {the mistakes in agreement and English were bad}


I'll be your family is to good to finish it there please do a part 2, a continuation of it. The's so many thing and themes that you need to put an ending to like azula and zuko finish ther story, team avatar need earth and fire bending teacher for aang, how it ended the war, zuko and azula reunite with there mother, even zuko being crowned the fire lord or a normal citizen i need to know how things change by this alteration to the Canon of the story.... And 100/10 i love the story so far my favorite story about a toph and zuko relationship, i thought you were gonna go another route but i love what you did with it.


@Kylla709 we are here for the same reason


Hey I’m gonna be honest haven’t posted in a while, mostly because I’m writing a story on FFN right now, but I’m gonna and say that I highly doubt I’ll be posting more stuff on here at least for a while. That being said I figured I would just post here what my plans are for the stories I have up at the moment, so that it’s not a sudden thing.
          I’ll Be Your Family: Gonna cut it off at ch. Metamorphosis since, if I’m being honest, that’s where I should have cut it off in the first place. So for all purposes this story is complete.
          Dreamers: rewriting it, but there is a decent chance I’ll finish the one I have up.
          Reflection: probably gonna rewrite it, but this is a story I’ll finish at some point in the future.
          Ashes: Dead until I rewrite it or get back into MHA, whichever comes first.
          I wanted to be a hero: Dead dead, like so dead.
          Tale of Lu Ten: Deader than a doornail.
          Okay so that’s all, sorry about this, but life happens and some stories I couldn’t finish. 


@SpookyLuc77 FFN=Fan Fiction.Net, It’s a fan fiction app I’m assuming


What’s your ffn account or whatever called?


Probably FFN since I’m rewriting them anyways. Except I’ll be your family cuz that’s done. 