
@StarCatching there can only ever be one soccer ;)


@imagineroyaldragons Like I said only one type ;)


Hii hammad 
          I just read ur poetry book and oh my god I don't have words it was soo good. Ur words touched my heart and it was just amazing. The way u rhym ur words are actually a thing I like the most. Well keep writing the letter Way u write its actually beautiful.
          Stay safe 


I'm truly humbled by your response and your comments and greatly appreciate your feedback.. I'm well aware that I don't update my poetry collection as often as I should and I think there are two various reasons for those, first being that I never force myself to create something but rather write on poetry that just naturally comes to me! If I don't feel like I'm inspired enough to write I never force myself to create something because if I do that I am never satisfied with the result! 
          The second being that as you might have noticed my poetry collection mostly consists of  complete poems and none are abstracts or bits of poetry, so at times I would only be able to maybe write poetry that has only a verse of two and that's all that I have, I'm never really sure what to do with it so I just keep it but don't really post it! 
          I have been thinking however of maybe putting in a bit more effort than I do because I haven't done much in a while! 
          Again really appreciate your positive feedback and you taking the time to read my work!