Hello! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your follow and for adding A Dance for You to your reading list! I really appreciate the support :)
Thank you to all of you beautiful people who follow me. I don't know what you see in me but I'm not complaining.
I'm getting ideas and writing six stories but sometimes it's hard when you constantly feel like you're not worth it or just not enough.
I've found people in here that write so beautifully that it makes me feel incompetent at this and sometimes I just want to give everything up in general.
Anyhow thank you again. It makes me happy that you're still here even when I suck. Big time.
Lots of Love
I don't know what's wrong but I am not able to read chapter fifty eight, I even removed the story from my library and put it in my library again, but nothing. Is it deleted or is the problem from me?
No, it's not you! I accidentaly published the chapter. Wattpad updated the app and the button that I used to tap for saving the draft, now says publish.
I'm so sorry! I haven't been able to finish Fifty Eight :/