To those of you familiar with my work, thankyou for your support. I'm not here much unfortunately, infact I'm absent enough to give the impression I have left but I have not left, I'm simply very busy. I am still writing and editing, building my story to be worthy of not only my supporters but also as a thing to associate with my full seal of approval. My work is my passion and I really put my heart and soul into my novels so stay tuned. I have incredible chapters written and lined up for the future and such plot depth that will blow many minds. I have very high standards when it comes to not only what I put out but what I take in and with that, I would like to recommend the books saved in my to read list should you be free to do do. For my fellow authors whose books are in my list, I'm sorry for how little I have read of all your incredible works but I will get around to reading everything in my list. If your work is in my list, it means you truly do have talent be it creativity, expression, literature skills or otherwise, perhaps all of the above. Some of you are so talanted, I have read your work and felt like quitting because I could never achieve your levels but God is great and humans can develop incredible skills through education, practice and repetition. I hope one day I can be as good as you and encourage anyone less experienced than me that we all started somewhere. Be good, be great, be you.

@AliSaracen You speak for so many of us, may I say, this is so nice of you! Wishing you all the best!