
My mom made me delete it. Sorry for any inconvienience!


@Alicat589 Where in the world are you? Are you alive? Lot of people want more of your book 


Since Alicar589 has been offline since 2015, I presume to think that she has deleted Wattpad and doesn’t use it at all. She is not very active Therefore her story has been discontinued u til further notice.


Also she hasn’t done anything since 2014 in her activity.


I hope you’re ok, I read your book and it’s been years so I am a bit worried. I mean, it could just be that you are busy with your life and all but I really hope you come back, you’re a really great author, I could tell by just that book that you know how to set up a story and I liked where you were going with the book and at a point you were really trying hard to please others with your work which I appreciate. But anyway, I hope you’re doing ok.