I have no clue if your reading this or not but your writing skills are really good and I personally think that your work is one of the best that I’ve read. This isn’t some goofy ahh message that pressures you into writing again and I really hope that you dont think that I just really love your work and Im sure others do as well. If you were to post or write again then it would make my day/night. If you did actually want to write again and your just taking a mental heath break then I totally understand. I hope you have a great day/night(I really hope there are no typos in this shit)


Hey I was wondering if it true you have Something Amiss finished on Quotev? I saw some of the comments saying so, if so can you sent me a link? Anyways! Hope you have a good day! (Also I love all your writing it's so good!) 


I LOVE YOUR WORKS SO MUCH!! I first found you a while ago on quotev and read something amiss but I couldn’t remember the name. Now that I’ve found it again I’m super happy, it was/is by far the most amazing creepy pasta story I’ve ever read. I hope you plan on continuing it, and if your not that’s ok too. But I really do love your work.


I saw someone said that it was finished on Quotev? Not too sure considering I’ve never used it before, primarily a Wattpad user


I read something amiss  on quotev  and It was amazing and I read it when you were still making chapters I just wish there was more chapters cause the last parts catches me and I be so sad being like omg it ended


Search @tierraphant on quotev :)


@auntmitosbathwater tbh idk anymore  I think you search the author name or the book name and just scroll for it 


@auntmitosbathwater I've been searching for it for ages, what's it under on Quotev?