
Hello everyone. Long  time no see am I right! I miss you guys! It feels so good to be back! I know I've been gone awhile, I know some people may have left my page, but that is okay. I completely understand and anyone who stayed, thank you so very much. I've been extremely busy and a lot of personal things have happened in my life that has just been too much. I have lost so much interest in things I used to do and now I'm trying to get back to my old self. I've missed writing so very much and anytime I think about a plot or something to write my heart literally hurts. It's like I missed a part of me or something. Anyways, I suppose I'll stop rambling because I know everyone has been waiting for some writing! If anyone has any plots they would love to start out with, please let me know! 
          	Man it is good to be back


Hello everyone. Long  time no see am I right! I miss you guys! It feels so good to be back! I know I've been gone awhile, I know some people may have left my page, but that is okay. I completely understand and anyone who stayed, thank you so very much. I've been extremely busy and a lot of personal things have happened in my life that has just been too much. I have lost so much interest in things I used to do and now I'm trying to get back to my old self. I've missed writing so very much and anytime I think about a plot or something to write my heart literally hurts. It's like I missed a part of me or something. Anyways, I suppose I'll stop rambling because I know everyone has been waiting for some writing! If anyone has any plots they would love to start out with, please let me know! 
          Man it is good to be back


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Hey guys. Been awhile yes I know. Just a lot of shit has been going down for the past few months and it's a lot. But the one thing I missed was this. I missed writing, I miss reading y'alls stories. Hell I missed all the people that gave me that motivation to write. I just hope I haven't lost y'all. I turned 18 and I'm starting college soon I am low on income though because a fast food job ain't paying much. So I started a GoFundMe me to save up for a vehicle and to save for books for school. I understand if y'all don't wanna and that's totally fine but if you could share the link that would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, enough sappy shit. I'm back! I wanna start writing again because I hella miss it. I don't know a schedule or anything yet but don't worry all will come hopefully soon. Thank you all for whoever supported and still supports me till this day, I do appreciate it.<3


@AliceBriggs15 I can't give anything to ya, unfortunately. I'm sorry, and know that if I could, I would! However, just a suggestion, don't make a writing schedule? College is hectic, so maybe, especially at first, just write when you have time or feel motivated to! Then you won't feel stressed to post by a certain time :) that's what I've used as everything in my life is changing! Glad you're back though! 


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I'm gonna put the screenshots of what this little bitch said to me and explain how it ended because I had to mute them before I did something stupid. I just have a little message for said little bitch. 
          I'm gonna unmute you, just so you can look at my little chat with you and I want you to read this if you come across it anyways. 
          If you ever think that you can try and tell me that I don't respect people or I'm disgusting because something isn't to your satisfaction, because your thinking of yourself as a fucking "supportive fan" which you clearly aren't since you haven't seen shit of 'the boys' clearly, I will shove your head so far up your fucking ass more than it probably is, along with your fucking wannabe ass ego that you think you have with being so high and mighty and beat your ass into the ground. You can keep your ass of my profile, off my stories, and away from the people who write to write. Fuck you bitch, since you don't like being called hun, i figured that word suits you better. Everyone hates people like you and if you have anything to fucking say at least I'll have a support group on back the whole way bitch
          That's the person
          Have fun y'all


@AliceBriggs15 i posted the screenshots in a book on my profile titled "Little Chat" have fun looking at what they said guys I'm still pissed


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Guys I'm beyond livid right now. I will post the announcement of what is going on soon but serious I'm so done with this shit. I'm done with people telling me what I can and what I can't write or do. Fuck them and tell the people who try to stop you from doing something your good at to kiss your ass!!


This is why I hate people. Like let me do what I want if I’m not hurting anyone. What’s the point of getting mad? It’s not like they can stop you from doing what you like to do


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@ILuvfemboys69 Fucking thank you! I'm literally so pissed again I'll explain in a bit I literally have to calm tho or I will break my phone


@AliceBriggs15 finally someone that agrees with me. Pop off 


          I have more time to write, so that is what I am going to do! 
          I know y'all probably like some of my books more than some of the others I've written but I'd really appreciate if you read all of them! I work really hard on them I promise! You don't have to just asking is all!  
          Missed you all lovies!<3


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I apologize for not writing today guys. I have a job interview and on top of that saw someone's annoucements on a homophobic dick head so of course I had to say my piece to the asshole. This app SUPPORTS the LGBTQ community so anybody who still thinks that it is SINFUL or HORRIBLE to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, or non binary, then like I said to that person, kindly fuck off and suck my imaginary dick! I'm so sorry for all this harshness on my annoucement page but I'm so angered I can't even write tonight. If anyone wants to cuss out this person btw here is their account, fair warning, this person can spell worth a crap
          Love you lovies <3


@L0stn3rd YEA They are freaking annyoing as hell honestly


@AliceBriggs15 What!? I gotta report this person again!? Ugh, brb...


I am planning on writing a josh x mully one shot (a request) it will contain smut at some point but I need like a plot of some sorts. If anyone has any let me know, or I can improvise either or!


@localgay37 Oof so like just a good one parted chapter. I like it! Thank you!


@AliceBriggs15 hmmmm what about mully and Josh are on the phone talking and it gets a little heated so mully goes over to josh's house and destroys him *wink* *wink*