
I'm up to almost 130 followers and I know that's not alot in the scheme of this app but thank you everyone that does fallow me I love you all no one ever replied to my post a long time ago about possibly being added to a book of mine. So reply or pm me with the following if interested
          	Name (yourself or an alias)
          	General physical description
          	General personality description 
          	Your Likes
          	Your Dislikes
          	And answer the following
          	"If you could be any mythological being what would you like to be and why?"
          	"If you could have any super power/extra human ability what would it be and why?" (Nothing too over powered though because this will be in a book of mine)
          	Till next time my little kitties
          	Forever yours alicejcullen


I'm up to almost 130 followers and I know that's not alot in the scheme of this app but thank you everyone that does fallow me I love you all no one ever replied to my post a long time ago about possibly being added to a book of mine. So reply or pm me with the following if interested
          Name (yourself or an alias)
          General physical description
          General personality description 
          Your Likes
          Your Dislikes
          And answer the following
          "If you could be any mythological being what would you like to be and why?"
          "If you could have any super power/extra human ability what would it be and why?" (Nothing too over powered though because this will be in a book of mine)
          Till next time my little kitties
          Forever yours alicejcullen


guys i just wanted to message everyone and say i am up to 97 followers and you all are awesome!! i never would of guessed this many people like my works.
          i will be choosing someone to add into a book of mine and if you are interested private message me with the fallowing info
          basic physical descriptions
          and answer the fallowing question trying to be as realistic to yourself as possible
          if you were a mythological being which would you like to be and which power would you like (if any and nothing to OP). 
          till next time my little kitty's 
          forever faithful your AliceJCullen


thank you guys so much for the fallow I'm up to 95 now and I couldn't be happier! I'm sorry I've been.. absent after promising updates to my readers but I've been... busy with stuff and oddly enough whenever I had down time my creative juices just were not working and now school is starting on the 18th I swear where did the summer go.
          I am both sad and existed for school is it possible to already have senior-itus ? well I'm pretty sure I do lol I'm not taking any computer classes this year but since I have no friends I was just going to go to the library before school and during lunches so I may be able to update again.. if you have any ideas on things to add to my story's plz message me and have a wonderful test of summer va-kay for those in the usa


who wants to bee in my books 'saving bree' or 'Volturi princess'??? if so respond to this or message me which book your name, high, hair/eye color, what you want to be (human, wolf, vampire) and anything else you think people should know about you if you don't tell me about yourself I wont be able to accurately put you in the books and ill try to put the top two - four into the books (1-2 in each)  ill look on here the next time I get on for anything if I haven't gotten any ill make up some people :)


Dear readers,
          hey so I have chapters for the vampire princess, saving brew, and voltui princess in the making its taking me a while b/c i have some personal issues going on and my laptop wont connect to the internet but I'm trying! Just hang in there


ok for thoes whome actually fallow me i want YOUR OPINION i was thinking on doing a book withthe greek gods/godeddes and ther demi god children what do you think? id love your opinion since ive got volturi prinsess with a WONDERFULL start and im still figureing things out along with vampite prinsess not doing as well but still doing wonderfull by my standerds id thought to branch out if its a fail oh well but what do yall think?????