
So with isolation and stuff, I've actually become more consistent at journal-writing, which has made me want to share my list of journal-writing prompts with you guys; hence my latest "book". I'm afraid I haven't been in the mood to write fiction these days, in spite of my initial motivation, so bear with me. In any case, if you're looking for blog post and/or diary entry ideas, head over to my book, and please don't forget to vote (I hate to ask for this, but like, this enables us writers to share our texts with a broader audience, thanks to algorithms and whatnot). Thanks in advance! And more importantly: enjoy!
          	Stay safe, guys. I hope you're all doing well <3


So with isolation and stuff, I've actually become more consistent at journal-writing, which has made me want to share my list of journal-writing prompts with you guys; hence my latest "book". I'm afraid I haven't been in the mood to write fiction these days, in spite of my initial motivation, so bear with me. In any case, if you're looking for blog post and/or diary entry ideas, head over to my book, and please don't forget to vote (I hate to ask for this, but like, this enables us writers to share our texts with a broader audience, thanks to algorithms and whatnot). Thanks in advance! And more importantly: enjoy!
          Stay safe, guys. I hope you're all doing well <3


On a side-note: as a former art historian, I noticed that I write a lot about fellow archaeologists, art historians, museum curators, and the likes. But I deeply enjoy historical fiction and would love to write some. I always stop myself because I'm suuuuper annoying with anachronisms: I hate it in other people's writing and in my own, so I basically don't even start. But assuming I overcame that kind of writer's block, what kind of historical fiction short stories would you like to see? Are there any specific eras, areas or civilisations you'd like to read about? Let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can whip up. I'm most well-read about Mediterranean civilisations and the Late Antiquity and Middle Ages, but I can probably write about other places and subjects as well.


Hi everyone! 
          So, as many people all over the globe, I'm "confined" at home. The good thing is that I'll get back to writing. I've already gotten in the mood, and am merely updating my works in progress, as I'm the kind of writer that plans everything in advance and *then* actually writes the story. I might be writing some things in French first, for online contests, and will translate them into English. I also must get around to writing that "Arcana - Dorian Gray AU" fanfiction I promised to someone here on Wattpad, even though I've no idea where it's going yet. 
          If you have any requests or prompts or themes you'd like to see me write about, feel free to throw things at me, and I'll see what that inspires me. In the meantime, expect a lot of paranormal stuff happening to archaeologists, and some cosmic horror elements sprinkled here and there.


Bonjour à tous mes chers amis francophones!
          Tout d'abord, bonne année! Que 2020 vous apporte moult bonnes choses: bonheur, santé et réussite! Enfin, est-ce que certains d'entre vous seraient intéressés de "bêta-lire" l'une de mes nouvelles? Je vais devoir l'écrire à l'arrache pour un concours, le 20 janvier, et même si j'ai déjà tout préparé (version courte, version longue, l'ordre des événements, etc), j'aurais souhaité la rendre après l'avoir faite lire par quelqu'un qui puisse m'aiguiller sur le style, les faiblesses d'écriture et d'éventuelles fautes. Cela compte pour toutes mes nouvelles en général, et je serais d'ailleurs ravie de bêta-lire vos nouvelles en échange (ou même en général), mais c'est vrai que d'ici le 20 janvier, je vais devoir me bouger pour l'écrire et la faire lire. Y-a-t-il des personnes intéressées? 
          Il s'agit d'une nouvelle de science-fiction du type "horreur cosmique" dans le sens où plusieurs personnages perdent pied avec la réalité ou remettent leur vie en question face à la mort et à l'inconnu (en l’occurrence, des aliens). Ca s'inspire de légendes (surtout bretonnes, mais pas que), de "Dans l'abîme du temps", de Lovecraft, et c'est fortement nourri d'anecdotes personnelles (vie dans un village breton, potes sauveteurs en mer, potes artistes partis vivre au Japon, alcoolisme, angoisses autour de la mort et du néant, rivalités entre sœurs, parasomnie...). Il y'a aussi une petite référence à un manga culte, mais je ne sais pas si je peux l'inclure sans que cela ne soit gênant niveau droits d'auteur (c'est juste le nom d'une ville). Bref, si ça vous dit... laissez un commentaire! :)
          Le pitch: deux jumelles bénévoles en sauvetage en mer découvrent une scène épouvantable en tentant de sauver l'équipage d'un chalutier qui coule, et évitent la mort de justesse. Cet événement va profondément marquer l'une d'elle, tandis que l'autre l'a refoulé. Des années plus tard, celle-ci se souvient de tout et sombre petit à petit dans la paranoia.


Hi ! I'm thinking about creating a secondary profile here on Wattpad for all my fanfiction. What are your thoughts on this ? Initially, I didn't think I'd write fanfiction anymore when I started out here, but reading some (okay, a lot of) fanfics, both good and cringy, made me want to get back to doing that. But as I use this account to promote my original fiction and non-fiction online as well as communicate with publishing companies in France, I fear that I wouldn't be perceived as "serious", as an author, if people associated my fanfics to my other works.
          Thoughts ? Have some of you done the same thing ?
          Thanks for commenting if you do 


@sanukionwatt Thank you for replying! I am not looking for more readers or views, I just feared that the people who read my horror stories and prose poetry might not be interested in fanfiction. I also feared it wouldn't appear as "pro" if I let a publishing company have a look at my Wattpad books. But thanks for your reply, because it actually made me think more about it. In the end, I did make a second account, but haven't gotten around to posting anything I've written yet (mostly because I have many WIPs, and I'm struggling to find decent old fanfics I wrote a few years ago, that I can't find on my external drives yet). In the meantime, it hasn't changed anything, so I might delete it and put everything here, hahah, but I'll give it some time. Thanks for your insight, in any case! :)


I have a second account for my fan fiction but the books aren’t doing as better since I restarted and have barely any followers on the account. If you are looking for more reads, I suggest you write them on ur current account but if your doing it just for fun - a new account would be the right way to go. My opinion of course, you do you :)


Good evening everyone! I just published "Harana", one of my first horror short stories, after I was finally done editing (sorry for the weird updates, apparently, I inadvertently published some parts before I was done editing them). I hope that you'll enjoy it. Please do leave a comment with constructive criticism, I'd love to improve my writing. 
          Let me know what you think!


Hello everyone! I just published my last chapter on "Dark Romanticism, Gothic Horror, Fantastique and Cosmic Horror"! Cosmic Horror is the genre that took me the longest time to write about, but here it is!
          I might add more chapters to this book in the future, either with more resources or with more horror sub-genres I can think of. Can you recommend any specific addition you'd like to see to this book? Thank you all already for your support, and don't forget to vote! ;)


Oyez, oyez! Je viens de terminer une nouvelle en français sur le thème des lettres d'amour. Voici donc une lettre un peu particulière, autour d'un étrange secret. Je vous laisse découvrir "l'orage de mes sentiments".
          Prochainement, je dois terminer le chapitre sur le genre horrifique "terreur cosmique", illustré par des auteurs tels Lovecraft, puis rédiger une fanfiction en collaboration avec une auteur de Wattpad, et enfin, mettre à jour de vieux projets...
          A bientôt!


Coucou les loulous! Je viens de publier un "livre" sur les différents sous-genres horrifiques. Si ça vous dit, c'est par ici, mais en anglais... Sinon, en langue française, je vais bientôt publier "Dorure et Ténèbres", que je dois terminer de corriger cette semaine et vite faire relire à ma frangine (mon éditrice préférée, hihi).  Toujours en anglais: je travaille sur une aventure historique qui se déroule pendant l'Âge du Fer, "The god's bride". Et en français, plusieurs petites nouvelles de genres très différents (Romance et Horreur, principalement), pour répondre à des appels à textes. La suite bientôt sur Wattpad... N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez.  A plus!