
I hope yall know I read every comment left on my stories and I love it. Never stop.


If any of you guys are fans of my MLB fiction called Two Faced, I'm finally going to upload the next chapter after 2 years without updates. Now, the book is still not finished, but this next chapter wraps most things up. I have 14 chapters planned and due to my lack of motivation, I never wanted to upload chapter 12 without completing the last 2 as well, but I feel bad for keeping my followers from reading chapter 12 after leaving 11 on a cliffhanger and the chapter was written long ago, so I've decided to publish it.


After my last fanfiction, I've started to dive into writing my own personal novels. My main ideas are supernatural storylines and I was wondering if any of you have plots or characteristics that you wished were shown in other supernatural books or movies. Comment below with suggestions.