
@Labellavida Oh!!!!!!! *banner appears on screen reading: 'Gets it now'* I thought the one next to Itachi was another picture of Sasuke!! I'm so orokana!!!!! Baka baka!!!! *slams head against wall saying: 'orokana' repeatedly* (ノД`)


About the Japanese phrases, I just know them. But Urusai means shut up. Lol sorry that was so late... 
          Andddd no. I don't think there is a book called NaruxSasu exactly lol I didn't want it to be an actual book, so I wouldn't get crap from the writer. One shots usually have that name though so.. yeah. :)


@Labellavida no need to thank me for spamming you it's just what I do (⌒▽⌒) and yes I very much FRIGGIN LOVE YAOI!!!!!!!! IT IS MY RELIGION!!!!!!!! Well it should be a religion. Either that or ANIME!!!!!!!!!! And I thought the people on the cover were like just all pictures of Sasuke and Itachi… oh Jashin I am so blonde sometimes (please take no offense if you are blonde. You must be a very smart one if you can write a story like this ( ^ω^ ). So the one up the top next to Itachi is Jasselle? Oh… I mean Keiridasu or Kida? 


Lmao~!  Thank You, first of all for blowing up my phone with notifications. And I didn't make the sex scene as bad as I imagined it becausepeople of all kinds read it. 
          You have a yaoi pic of Itachi and Sasuke? I'm not into yaoi lol 
          Oh and the chick on the cover of the book, is her.. -_-"