
I wish people wouldn't look at the back of my head, but at my front, no, I'm not pretty, no, I'm far from it, but I am human, just like everyone else, my imperfections are who I am. Don't judge me first, know me. 
          	~ Alice 


Je suis tombée sur ton profil par hasard et, juste pour te dire que je m'appelle aussi Alice Martin. C'est tout...
          (Du coup je vais lire ton livre "The green violonist" qui m'a l'air plutôt cool, puis ça va m'entraîner à l'anglais)


Someone please give me inspiration for a new Thranduil imagine!!! 


@AdrainTaylor I'd love to write this. Thank you so much for the idea and I'm sorry for not getting back to soon, it's been a difficult time 


@AliceThranduil Hello Alice, I would be interested in seeing you write something along the lines of Thranduil falling for a guard/servant. I rather enjoy your writing style and your stories. I look forward to whatever it is that you come up with. Have a wonderful day my dear.