
          	I actually downloaded the app on my phone so I can check for notifications as it became hard to remember to do so ^^
          	Honestly, I don't think I'll be continuing that story and if I was to I would recreate it. My writing style has changed and I noticed a lot of mistakes in the older chapters that I want to fix. Im debating on if I will go through with recreating it, and if so it might take a while to rethink things. At the moment I wouldn't be against writing for Bleach but I dont know if that will change. 
          	But I'm very sorry for not updating! I do appreciate the comments and votes I get but I want writing to be fun and not work, ya know? And for a while that story felt like work.   ^^; 


A while ago I thought about editing it, but in the end I feel that it would just be easier to restart. As of right now, I'm going to see how well that goes and try it out! Although if it does work I'm going to continue to type for a while and then release chapters whenever I see fit as that would work the best :3
          	  And thank you so much for understanding! I always feel super bad when I can't update XD I never thought so many people would like it ^^;


Oh, I see. It's alright. I can totally relate with you. As time passed by, my writing style also changed so I edited some of my chapters. So I guess you could just edit it too (if it's not too much work). :) And it really feels better to write if you enjoy it instead of feeling like it's an obligation! You should take your time and search for what really makes you happy. :D


          I actually downloaded the app on my phone so I can check for notifications as it became hard to remember to do so ^^
          Honestly, I don't think I'll be continuing that story and if I was to I would recreate it. My writing style has changed and I noticed a lot of mistakes in the older chapters that I want to fix. Im debating on if I will go through with recreating it, and if so it might take a while to rethink things. At the moment I wouldn't be against writing for Bleach but I dont know if that will change. 
          But I'm very sorry for not updating! I do appreciate the comments and votes I get but I want writing to be fun and not work, ya know? And for a while that story felt like work.   ^^; 


A while ago I thought about editing it, but in the end I feel that it would just be easier to restart. As of right now, I'm going to see how well that goes and try it out! Although if it does work I'm going to continue to type for a while and then release chapters whenever I see fit as that would work the best :3
            And thank you so much for understanding! I always feel super bad when I can't update XD I never thought so many people would like it ^^;


Oh, I see. It's alright. I can totally relate with you. As time passed by, my writing style also changed so I edited some of my chapters. So I guess you could just edit it too (if it's not too much work). :) And it really feels better to write if you enjoy it instead of feeling like it's an obligation! You should take your time and search for what really makes you happy. :D


I'm sorry to everyone that wants me to keep writing my story but I'm just not motivated to write anymore (especially writing for I miss you, I need you). I just.... It's hard to describe? Some days I just hate how I write and I suppose I've just been having more of those days lately? I hope to eventually start writing again but at the moment I don't feel like I can (by that I mean I don't feel like I would like what I write regardless of what character it is for). So, again, I am sorry but everyone has problems (including me, sadly) and I hope you can understand <3 Hope to talk to you soon!
          PS: I've been posting some small things (aka OC sheets xD) on my dA lately if you want to check it out. Just thought I'd tell you~