
this message may be offensive
I’m at my fucking schoolhouse rn in a receiving platoon and we’re allowed to have snacks as long as they’re sealed, right? So me and my roommates bought a shitload of snacks, frigging Oreos, Skittles, etc, the whole shebang. Anyway, for inspections our Staff Sergeant said that if we lock something up they will not look through it. So for the coming inspection we locked up all the snacks in a closet (and a full trashbag because we were too lazy to take it out and you’re supposed to take it out before inspections). We also did not organize our locked up shit at all. Anyway, inspection comes along and another staff sergeant approaches us and tells us to unlock everything so he can look. All my roommates and I just look at each other like  oh fuckkkkk. Staff Sergeant takes just one glance in the food closet and says “Y’all are a bunch of fat motherfuckers” and leaves. Completely disregarded the trashbag and our disorganized lockers. We fucking passed the inspection and idk even how 


Hey! I was just wondering how you were doing since you haven't updated in quite a while. If you are done with writing stories I completely understand, it can be difficult to manage a lot at the same time so again I understand. I was honestly just wondering how things were going for you and if you were going to update if you are still writing stories. I really do hope everything is going well and continues to go well.


this message may be offensive
I’m at my fucking schoolhouse rn in a receiving platoon and we’re allowed to have snacks as long as they’re sealed, right? So me and my roommates bought a shitload of snacks, frigging Oreos, Skittles, etc, the whole shebang. Anyway, for inspections our Staff Sergeant said that if we lock something up they will not look through it. So for the coming inspection we locked up all the snacks in a closet (and a full trashbag because we were too lazy to take it out and you’re supposed to take it out before inspections). We also did not organize our locked up shit at all. Anyway, inspection comes along and another staff sergeant approaches us and tells us to unlock everything so he can look. All my roommates and I just look at each other like  oh fuckkkkk. Staff Sergeant takes just one glance in the food closet and says “Y’all are a bunch of fat motherfuckers” and leaves. Completely disregarded the trashbag and our disorganized lockers. We fucking passed the inspection and idk even how 


EVERYONE: I have returned! After a long, harrowing month, I finally have a computer! Unfortunately, my old one had to be scrapped, which is why it took so long for me to return. Anyway, I'm really sorry I don't have  anything for Valentine's Day tomorrow. In fact, it may be a while before I can update anything, because I have a really big test coming up that I need to have 100% of my focus on. But, after I'm done with it, one of the first things I'm gonna do is start writing again. I know I've promised I'd write so many fanfics, but I gotta take this one step at a time. Thank you for understanding, and have a happy Valentine's Day!


Sorry I haven’t been updating for a while now! Life’s been real busy for me and I am having a surgery tomorrow so idk if I’ll be well enough to update this weekend. Just wanted to say that I’ll update my Phone Guy fic as soon as I can and that I appreciate y’all for supporting my stories


Update: just had my surgery a few hours ago And I feel absolutely horrible. Had to take some medicine for the pain but it made me feel sick and hot :( hopefully I feel better tomorrow cuz I’m feeling too lethargic to write or do anything productive for that matter 


Yo so like I’m working on 3 different fanfics and a game right now so I’m pretty swamped with work rn, but I’m super obsessed with Swan Lake (I’m a huge ballet nerd, pls don’t make fun of me!). And I was thinking of maybe doing a Swan Lake au for a fanfic sometime but idk what... Just an idea I’m throwing out here ❤️


So I know I’ve been saying that I’ll eventually continue my Love Potion Gone Wrong fanfic, but this time I’m more prepared to say that I actually will be continuing it! I finally figured out a way on how to continue it, thanks to everyone who commented on the announcement I made! However, I’m already working on two fanfics right now and I don’t want to burn myself out, so there still is gonna be a longer wait for part 2. When I’m done with either my Phone Guy or my Borderlands fanfic, I am most definitely going to begin writing Part 2. I’m so sorry for the long wait and I truly appreciate those who have been supporting me through this hiatus! You all are amazing and I promise I won’t disappoint you! Stay safe y’all!
          (PS: Part 2 will have something to do with marriage ;) )