Hey guys, I'm just writing to tell you that I'm writing the first chapter for my new upcoming book, Fountain Of Blood. It's going to be a Vampire novel so please try it out when I publish it,
many thanks, Alicia x
Would you mind checking out my newest published book called 'Toxic' It would mean the world to me if you did. Have a great day *giggles and runs away to look cute*
Hey i just wanted to ask you if you would be okay with me dedicating my cover to you and recommending you for covers? I just wanted to ask just in case!(: I can't wait to check out you book btw the description is already so good!
I'm sorry, yeah I get what you mean I have the same thing. I got bored of it and am now working on a new book. I'm going to write at least ten chapters and see how it goes and then publish it. Xxxx