
Hello all my followers!
          	I have decided that for the next two weeks I'm going to be very generous and read any books recommended. I'll not only read them, but comment and vote. Have a book your writing? Or know a friend who is writing a book? Let me know asap! I'm in a very generous mood! Also...if I reaaaaally like your book, I'll put it on my page of recommended books. Wish you all the best xxx


Yah of course! Will right now xx @Hockey-Girl101


Thank you for following and for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Do let me know what you think of it.


No worries! Saw it on the Summer Sun Awards, no one has critiqued it I might. :) @keenwriterone so far so good, a few grammatical errors, but your vocab is suburb and the plot so far is very intriguing....can't wait to see the story unfold :)