
Everyone, hope you’re all doing well. I enjoyed my time at epic yesterday. I got a little bit of inspiration the new attractions areas look amazing I did visit the French quarters for the ministry of magic. It was spectacular and said I can’t put it in the words I was able to test out the new wands hoping to add some details and upcoming chapters Incorporated, Grace, and Cali if you haven’t read learning to love by Amanda Panda please do so there’ll be Easter eggs and the upcoming chapter of the Titan protocol    


Everyone, hope you’re all doing well. I enjoyed my time at epic yesterday. I got a little bit of inspiration the new attractions areas look amazing I did visit the French quarters for the ministry of magic. It was spectacular and said I can’t put it in the words I was able to test out the new wands hoping to add some details and upcoming chapters Incorporated, Grace, and Cali if you haven’t read learning to love by Amanda Panda please do so there’ll be Easter eggs and the upcoming chapter of the Titan protocol    


Hey everybody, hope you’re all doing well. Just wanted to check in still working on chapter 8, of the Titan protocol still a little bit of riders blocked but running a bit moving forward life has been a little busy going to be heading to epic universe tomorrow for a preview super excited all new hopefully I can incorporate some of what I see in experience in an upcoming chapter if you haven’t read it yet learning to love by Amanda Panda, please do so there will be some Easter eggs in upcoming chapters with cali and Grace 


@Amanda904040 thank you love I did indeed I wish I could go to full detail about what I experienced I did get to visit the ministry of Magic I’m still speechless some of the restaurants looked amazing I’m hoping you accept my invitation soon to join me on epic adventure 


Hope you had an Epic of a time! 


Everyone hope you’re all well Hope you’re all having a happy Valentine’s Day. Today I turn another year older. Glad to say I’ve worked out some of the story for Titan protocol. Still working on chapter 8 I’ve had many brain farts these past few months anyway hope everyone’s doing well 


Hope everyone’s doing well still trying to work on chapter 8 of Titan protocol I haven’t had a lot of drive to sit down and get rid of this writer blocked fatigue it sucks but thank you to those who’ve added it to your reading list I appreciate it. 


Hey, everybody hope everyone’s doing well been sick the last couple of weeks wanting to get some writing done really I’ve been in the mental fog creatively hopefully I could snap back to it pretty soon anyway happy writing and happy reading 


Hey everybody happy new year. Hope everyone is doing well as well as it could be. I’ve been working at chapter 8 with the Titan protocol little by little. Sadly, I have not had a no drive lately I’m excited for the upcoming chapters. I have planned but that will be incorporating a little bit of learning to love from writer, Amanda panda I don’t wanna spoil anything with that hopefully I can get chapter done soon I hope you have an amazing week happy writing happy reading  


Hey Everyone hope everybody’s doing well. Hope you all had an amazing holiday with you and yours I’ve been busy working theme park life never stops been working on chapter 8 a little bit little trying to get a completed writers block been thing here’s hoping 2025 treat us all well 2024 was definitely rough for many of us myself included. I’ve laughed. I’ve cried dusted myself off. So cheers to 2025. Hopefully it treats you all well. 


Hope everyone’s doing well finally got started on chapter 8 of the Titan protocol sorry it’s taking a bit. Thank you to those who have been reading and adding it to your reading list. There’s been a lot going on in my life. Since April. I’ve been mentally struggling  I don’t wanna go into full detail. hopefully the next chapter will be up by next week. I wish everybody all the best stay positive stay hopeful 


Hope everyone’s doing well a few of you seemed to like the audiobook version of the Titan protocol still currently working on chapter 8 life’s been kinda so-so hope everybody has a happy Thanksgiving hoping to post a new chapter soon for you for those still reading I would like to complete it by December but I don’t wanna rush it 


Apologies if anybody’s trying to click on the audiobook of the Titan protocol the YouTube links were set to private automatically everything should be working now I wish Wattpad we just enable speech to text natively we can dream also working on chapter 8 of the Titan protocol hope everyone’s doing well