
Okay everyone...
          	I’m slowly coming out of my writers block for the third and final book of the Alex Rider:Jedi series, but I need ideas... 
          	Someone once told me, “Write a book that you would want to read.” This has always motivated me in my writing. But I also want to write a book that YOU would want to read. So if you could, please comment something that you would like to see or read about in the next book! This would seriously help. 


@AlissaK_17 You are welcome! I look forward to your story!


Thank you so much for the response! It is always great to hear feedback. I love the input about the lightsaber. If I remember correctly (it’s been a while since I wrote book 2) Alex’s lightsaber is green. However, I love your reasoning behind the color of it being yellow. I do need to have Alex build a lightsaber in order to become a full Jedi knight, so I might use your idea. Thanks so much @solarphoenixfury


@AlissaK_17. Please note that I have not read your 2nd book yet as of this post, but have thoroughly enjoyed the first one. I would like to see Alex make his own lightsaber. I imagine his would have a yellow blade, given that this is the color for Jedi who prefer practical application of the force, and are usually the spies of the Jedi order, except in the case of temple guards. However, it is your story, so the actual color is up to you. Also, if you do this in book 2, then I apologize for the redundant idea.


Hi Alissa, I've just reread both book 1 and 2 completely. I have no ideas to suggest, but have noticed you never ended up posting the third book. I really loved the first 2 and would love to see how the third book would go, but don't worry if you don't have the time. 


Okay everyone...
          I’m slowly coming out of my writers block for the third and final book of the Alex Rider:Jedi series, but I need ideas... 
          Someone once told me, “Write a book that you would want to read.” This has always motivated me in my writing. But I also want to write a book that YOU would want to read. So if you could, please comment something that you would like to see or read about in the next book! This would seriously help. 


@AlissaK_17 You are welcome! I look forward to your story!


Thank you so much for the response! It is always great to hear feedback. I love the input about the lightsaber. If I remember correctly (it’s been a while since I wrote book 2) Alex’s lightsaber is green. However, I love your reasoning behind the color of it being yellow. I do need to have Alex build a lightsaber in order to become a full Jedi knight, so I might use your idea. Thanks so much @solarphoenixfury


@AlissaK_17. Please note that I have not read your 2nd book yet as of this post, but have thoroughly enjoyed the first one. I would like to see Alex make his own lightsaber. I imagine his would have a yellow blade, given that this is the color for Jedi who prefer practical application of the force, and are usually the spies of the Jedi order, except in the case of temple guards. However, it is your story, so the actual color is up to you. Also, if you do this in book 2, then I apologize for the redundant idea.


Just like I promised! Drum roll please......
          BOOK 2!!! 
          This is the second boom in the Alex Rider: Jedi series. It is called Bounty. Please head over to my page and read it, comment, and vote! I know it doesn’t seem like much,  it it means a lot to those of us that write. It encourages us to keep writing! So please, vote and tell us how much you are enjoying what you read!


Hey everyone! I just posted a new book! I don’t have an appropriate title for it yet because I’m not *that* creative, but I will soon. It is an Alex Rider/Star Wars crossover. Even if you haven’t read the Alex Rider books, I’m sure you’ll still enjoy it. This book was written by my sister and I a few years ago (before I learned about the amazing thing that is Wattpad :). I recently came across it and thought it was pretty good, so I am going to post it! It’s a lot of fun and I’m sure y’all will like it. Enjoy! 
          Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think! 
          (Cause it’s way more fun that way lol)