
Hi everyone! Now you've probably all forgotten about me by now, but I'm just here to say that I'm back! For real this time. Sorry about being gone for so long, just, I was going through a rough time, and it was a complicated process getting out of it, but everything is good now and I'm better and here! I don't have a computer currently, seeing as my old one got smashed violently, but I will try to get on the Internet as much as I can, considering how controlling my dad is with it -_-


Hi everyone! Now you've probably all forgotten about me by now, but I'm just here to say that I'm back! For real this time. Sorry about being gone for so long, just, I was going through a rough time, and it was a complicated process getting out of it, but everything is good now and I'm better and here! I don't have a computer currently, seeing as my old one got smashed violently, but I will try to get on the Internet as much as I can, considering how controlling my dad is with it -_-


I need to rant right now. I just need to let it out, somehow. Okay, hating on celebrities' girlfriends. I say girlfriends because whenever a girl celebrity gets a boyfriend,it's not nearly as bad. I guess the cause for this rant is seeing all the hate people have ever given to Eleanor Calder, Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend. I mean come on, people! Honestly? They've been together for a long while, which is saying something for a celebrity's relationship. Can't you just be happy for them? They've found someone that makes them happy, that they sincerely care about and want to be with, and all you can do it hate on them?! I mean, look at them!! They have to be the cutest, most adorable couple I've ever seen!! They fit together so perfectly, they're just RIGHT. Can't you just accept that? And be happy for them, as a fan? If you're a fan, it's supposed to mean that you sort of "care" about them, I guess. If you honestly cared about them, then you would want them to be happy, right? So, he goes and finds someone, Eleanor, who makes him happy, so shouldn't that make you happy, too? If it doesn't, then you seriously need to re-evaluate yourself. Come on, how cruel, selfish and just plain mean can you get? Do you even bother to realize that when you hate on their girlfriend, you're also hating on them as well? No, I bet you didn't. So just sit down, shut up and be freaking happy for them.