
Anyone else hear about Eliot Page coming out as trans?


          The office called the teacher down and everyone was talking about it. The two LGBT+ teachers were congratulating the class on defending themselves and were almost in tears when they found out about everyone who came out.
          The next day all the upper-class men in the computer rooms came dressed in pride stuff and everyone was thrilled when we discovered the teacher had been fired. I'm not sure what the rest of the school thought about it, but my class was pretty happy with the outcome. The social studies teacher even put a pride flag on the wall outside her classroom and it got signed by a bunch of people to be put on display.
          My school is crappy in general but that was pretty cool. 


@Alive_Out_of_Spite that sounds a lot more interesting than anything that could ever happen in our school


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          Months a go, when we were all going back to school, we got new teacher. She was a bitch.
          One kid corrected her when she was doing the register, saying that they went with they/them pronouns and [Name] not [Dead Name]. The teacher got pissy and started ranting about disrespectful youth and confused teenagers, being transphobic and refusing to use their correct name and pronouns.
          So we all got the loud kid who was in detention anyways to distract her while (arguing) some of us snuck outside the classroom to get two of our openly LGBTQ teachers (drama and social studies). Those who were left began subtly recording while the group of techies in the back connected to the board at the front and prepared to blast the whole thing across the speaker system. One guy (his dad was a teacher and he had his password) logged in to the staff computer to access screen share so the video could be streamed across most of the screens in the computer rooms (where all the upper-class men were at that moment). Those who were left comforted the kid and some people even came out too.
          The video was up and the recording were successfully being played, and the bitch just kept yelling about 'defending biological sex' and 'only two genders' . The guys who went to get the teachers were standing by the door, both members of staff staring in disbelief and pissed at what the were seeing.
          The office called the teacher down and everyone was talking about it. The two LGBT+ teachers were congratulating the class on defending themselves and were almost in tears when they found out about everyone who came out.


this message may be offensive
Roses are red
          Im gonna fly
          I'll keep all my emotions locked up in here
          Until one day I die
          Roses are red
          So is my blood
          And the bathtub
          Roses are red
          My eyes are not blue
          My face is really ugly
          But at least so are you :)
          Roses are red
          My eye bags are black and blue
          I'll bash my head
          Against the wall till I bruise
          Roses aren't always red
          Blueberries aren't blue
          My life is a lie
          Time is an illusion
          We're all gonna die
          Roses are red
          Violets are blue
          I don't like jellybeans
          And I hate myself too
          Roses are red
          Sunflowers are yellow
          Life sucks
          Everything's mellow
          Roses are bloody
          Violets are bruised
          Don't give someone flowers
          Or you'll get used
          The roses are wilted
          The Violets are dead
          These demons run rampant
          Inside of my head
          Blood is red
          Water is blue
          But on shift of this blade
          And this waters red too
          Roses are red
          I don't like you
          Leave me alone 
          Before I kill you
          (Have my nearly-7-o'clock crack - Roses are red poems
          If I added all of them this would be way too long) 


@Alive_Out_of_Spite hey buddy u wanna talk about it?