
I UPDATTTEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD CHAPTER 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! I've found some inspiration and I'm going to be writing a one direction series!! Where each boy gets his own book and they're all connected! I have the WHOLE plot planned out so I should have a scheduled update time! My other two books are on old until i am finished these! I'll give the titles soon!! Toodles,
          Alix xx


Im probably the worst person eveerrrr!!! Sorry guys for not updating in soooo long, I'm writing a new chapter of WMAM it should be up later. And I apologize for the deletion of TDKAU but I had a different vision and was sick of writing it. I dont want to write something I dont enjoy!!! Hope you guys like the new Epilouge!!!
          Alix xx