
Please read this.
          	Uhm ok so this is sort of hard to admit and most of you probably wouldn't think this, but I'm depressed. Like clinically depressed. And looking at my bio and my stories and my posts you'd assume I'm a very happy person... What I post on here and how I talk to people is the person I want to be. Someone that makes others happy and makes them laugh and someone who is generally comfortable with life, but the truth is I'm not, I'm actually quite depressing to be around. And I guess the me that I show on here is a part of me, a small part of me. The part that loves skittles (OK, I actually do like skittles) and has a pet unicorn and throws skittles in your face and yells TASTE THE RAINBOW! But honestly I'm not. And I try not to let my depression interfere with my stories but I don't know how long I can keep this up. And I have people in my life who are trying to help and I have an amazing boyfriend that actually sometimes makes me feel sorta less depressed, a step closer to happiness.
          	I'm not just telling whoever reads this (if anyone actually does read this) to get sympathy or to get more views or followers. I guess I'm just saying this because I might delete my account at some point or I might delete my stories or they might start to get depressing, etc. So if you notice a dramatic personality change...uhm don't be surprised. 
          	ANYWAYS! Time to turn back to Wattpad Alix! SEE YA! TASTE THE FRICKING RAINBOW!


Please read this.
          Uhm ok so this is sort of hard to admit and most of you probably wouldn't think this, but I'm depressed. Like clinically depressed. And looking at my bio and my stories and my posts you'd assume I'm a very happy person... What I post on here and how I talk to people is the person I want to be. Someone that makes others happy and makes them laugh and someone who is generally comfortable with life, but the truth is I'm not, I'm actually quite depressing to be around. And I guess the me that I show on here is a part of me, a small part of me. The part that loves skittles (OK, I actually do like skittles) and has a pet unicorn and throws skittles in your face and yells TASTE THE RAINBOW! But honestly I'm not. And I try not to let my depression interfere with my stories but I don't know how long I can keep this up. And I have people in my life who are trying to help and I have an amazing boyfriend that actually sometimes makes me feel sorta less depressed, a step closer to happiness.
          I'm not just telling whoever reads this (if anyone actually does read this) to get sympathy or to get more views or followers. I guess I'm just saying this because I might delete my account at some point or I might delete my stories or they might start to get depressing, etc. So if you notice a dramatic personality change...uhm don't be surprised. 
          ANYWAYS! Time to turn back to Wattpad Alix! SEE YA! TASTE THE FRICKING RAINBOW!




@Anima_Lupo tysm! im afraid im not one of those always honest ppl ^.^ i tend to always  say wat'd make ppl happy....thats not great either. dont worry IF WE STICK TOGETHER, OUR WEAKNESSES WILL EVEN EACH OTHER OUT XD.....sry, got a lil excited there.