AlixKaterina is twenty-one-year-old writer-wanna- be. She believes that she has mastered the art of "sneaky reading" - it means reading novels in her mobile device while pretending to listen to her Prof's boring lecture. Mind you, this is quite a feat because in her university, a class consists of only 45 students.

She, however, have not yet perfected the art of story writing. She loves her run-on sentences too much. Nevertheless, she loves her stories more than her run-on sentences so she'll do her best in making some awesome stories.

When not reading, writing, or thinking for a story idea she can be found scouring stationery stores for cute pens and notebooks, travelling, going on an adventure, catching up on her school work, or lying on a couch under the stairs in her home.
  • RegistriertMay 19, 2014

Folge ich

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