
I copied it


(Kind of vent?)
          things i'm jealous of:
          people with naturally straight hair
          people who have a pretty Smile
          people who dont have ugly laughs
          People that dont cry when they get mad or when they try to express themselves
          people Who dont get mad easily
          people who dont give up easily


I might lose followers but:
          Being LGBTQ is not a Trend 
          If you dont support LGBTQ at least respect them and Who they are 
          KAM is stupid 
          treating a Girl with respect doesnt mean that you are simping
          owning an Android doesnt make you a peasant 
          any race can Be racist
          Not all men are Bad Same goes for women
          If you Fake mental health disorder for Clout Then you are not cool you are just a Clown Lmao
          muslims are not Homophobic they are not allowed to support LGBTQ by Religion
          (Copied this by @Hugs4KarlJacobs but i just thought that some people Need to hear this:)