
Guys I’m going to make a story about my discord server and it’s about my adopted kids(they are actually not my kids we are just role playing) Main character of the fan fiction is Macaque because he adopts the children 


Can you guys give me ideas on lmk story ideas because I have no motivation and no idea on a new story(I’m rewriting The Spider Princess on AO3 right now)


@Aliyah770287 I have a great idea for a new LMK story how about you do a story where MK is having strange dreams but really their visions to help him find the queen of all dragons Melodia she has been locked away for 500 years and now it's up to MK and his friends to free her and once they free her she'll help them fight any demons that come their way but to free her they need to find six element keys the fire key the water key the Earth key the wind key the lightning key and the ice key those are the keys to Melodia's prison and once they find all those keys she'll be free


@Aliyah770287 maybe do a crossover lmk strong like mha I guess?