
a day without laughter is a day wasted. -Charlie Chaplin


have you ever felt so sad, but you didn't want to tell anyone that you were. You didn't want to be a burden or have them pity you, however, you feel a lot more sadness because no one notices you're sad. You realize how much no one cares. That you're always going to be the odd one out. -A.S.


a little something I wrote on microsoft word, it's not really a novel (story), but I don't what it is, however, here you go.  "Sometimes, I write a beginning and a middle and an end, but not for the same story. Or sometimes I write a beginning and an end and the middle portion is incognito. It’s hard to write and complete a story, especially a good one. One filled with laughter, joy, sadness, anger, the emotions all books should have. The hardest part of writing is the beginning; the beginning must be mind-catching. It needs to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to keep reading on. 
          	How do you make a well-written story? Most stories come from experiences, the writers have felt what they write which makes it easier to have details and emotion to the story. Writers have a muse, but how about if you don’t have a subject that fascinates you. Do you not write? Do you stop wanting to do something you’re passionate about? No, you’ll find something that fascinates and ravishes you. "