
A late happy new years for everyone!
          	And for those who are still reading my Idol begingins book-- I am happy to say that the stroy has reached it's climax, with and upcoming confrontation soon to occure. I have been trying tp write a new chapter for it recently, because of the free time i've recived from school holidays. So stay prepared for the next chapter.


A late happy new years for everyone!
          And for those who are still reading my Idol begingins book-- I am happy to say that the stroy has reached it's climax, with and upcoming confrontation soon to occure. I have been trying tp write a new chapter for it recently, because of the free time i've recived from school holidays. So stay prepared for the next chapter.


For anyone who is reading "nation of forgotten metal" I am thinking about discontinuing it, since i have really been struggling with publishing new chapters for it. Though I will be replacing it with a new story, that I am currently writing a few chapters for. Also thank you to those who have been reading my other books, and there will be some more updates coming to them soon!!! ^^