
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I won't toot my own horn, but I'm too famous now with  2 f*cking K followers, so if you see me walking the red carpet on MET gala, you can ask for a picture and an autograph. *sighs* I guess I can do some fan service 
          	Jokes aside, thank you everyone for the constant support in our little delulu world! <3 <3 <3


@AllForMrPark omggg so happpyyy for youuuuu


@okkjiminbtsok fala ti ❤️❤️❤️


I just completed You Or No One. And I'm completely speechless. I thought if I took something cute and fluffy while I'm doing my finals, i would not be so damn hooked up about it, but there went my plan. Started for rewarding myself between study breaks and i just didn't touch my books the whole day yesterday. But I don't regret a single bit. It was all I wanted for my heart. I was giggling and rolling on the bed while I was reading the early chapters and was so damn close to crying when they broke up and was grinning like an idiot when they met again and was all smiles afterwards. And, damn, do i love kookie too much in this story. I don't know how you manage to surprise me with all your stories. I pretty much get tired of same writing styles over time, but with yours, I'm only falling more in love with these. Four more to go and I'll be finished with all your stories. But knowing you, you'd probably bring a new one in few days or something then I'll have this 'tbr list' always in pending. I guessed i rambled on too much, so I'll dip. Thing is, i love you tooooooooooo damn much <<<<3333


@AllForMrPark NOOOOOOOOOO(but I fully support if I'm getting 5 more stories. thank you!!)OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!




@AllForMrPark please, I'm not really in a place to abandon my books for the whole month. Last thing I want is, my sleep getting messed up because apparently I do 'one more chapter' till 3am every damn time I take one of your books. No matter what the trope is, you just get me so hooked up with them. So 5 more is like basically me forcing myself to have to sacrifice a lot of sleep and grades. Just don't do that me!!!


Heyyyy pookies <3 i hope you're having an amazing day (as you should)
          Anyways, I've just started working on this new mystery story (it's my very first Wattpad story!!!) because I've been inspired by @AllForMrPark and ohmygod I can't wait to share it with you guys <3
          So here's just how the story goes; let me know if this is something you'd feel interested in reading and maybe give me a couple ideas ?
          When detective Yoon Seojin is found dead in his office, his former apprentice, Kang Jiwon, is handed a cryptic clue: a napkin with ten statements. But the twist is, one of them is a lie. 
          As Jiwon uncovers each truth, she's pulled deeper into a web of lies, corruption, and danger. But the more she learns, the more he questions everything-was Seojin the hero everyone believed, or a mastermind with a darker secret? To solve the case, Jiwon must discover which statement is false-and the shocking truth might just get her killed.


@kmyryu97 that sounds cool af. I'll be down to read it


also i've been posting here a lot lol i'm sorry if thats a bit of a nuisance


Ja tebi trebam reci( iako je onak 18 put) da je beloved tako dobra prica da ja ne znam kak si ti to napisala jer doslovno sam na trecoj rundi citanja. Bog te blagoslovi tebe i tvoj um i nekaj trece kaj stavis u ove price jer bi trebala neku nagradu dobit majke mi


@okkjiminbtsok hahahah daj prekjut si mi hahahah cerin se ka idiot u mobitel ❤️❤️ 


Ja svku vecer dok se legnem u krevet citam i sam mi dode potreba ti rec kolko si telantirana tako da evo ljubim te i nadam se da si mi dobro❤️


Hi soo I just completedd your beloved and .. faded.... I love both of them ... Well if you don't mind me asking sre you on ig ,?
          If you are can you share me your id please 


Hello there author! I've read your "play it out" 2 times back to back. It was so so good! I'm more into fluffy Romance like this one. And I've added every freaking books of yours in my library lol. Now can you suggest me which one should I read next , which can be a little similar to "Play it out"? I mean fluffy x smutty 


@AllForMrPark this is helpful for me too heheh <3


@MimLoveJCW Hiya! First, thank you for reading it <3
            Secondly, all of my stories have smut, so you won't be short of them there ahhaha. But as for the fluffy one You or no one is on the cuter side. Also Love Potion, but that one is more lik enemies to lovers type, and no smut included. Blush is cute as heck. And Little Miss Lawyer has good banter and a good story


hahaha i love how mercenary 3 has more reads than 2 even though M2 came before


@kmyryu97 cause it's the beginning of it all


@AllForMrPark so fr though i can see why M3 would be the favourite for so many but in my opinion i loved the OG mercenary 1 the most <3


@kmyryu97 the second one was like a little stepping stool between them. It had its monents, but the third one might be my favourite of them all


@AllForMrPark, your writing inspires me so much! I went through a marathon readings of your stories and from your first work to now your improvement is so noticeable, I am proud to say you are my favorite author I have found so far on this app and I have been recommending you non-stop to my sister lol.
          I've been working on my first wattpad story and I recommend you to check it out if you have time, I've had the idea for a while but sitting down and dedicating my time to write it has been motivated from finishing reading your stories and having that bittersweatness of something good coming to an end.


@DreamyMyths hello, love <3
            Thank you so much for every kind word and all the support <3 And yeah, there is a massive difference in the works, it's kinda hilarious. Sometimes I go back and it looks like someone else wrote it hahahah 
            And don't stress too much about it taking too long or anything. Go at your own pace and have fun. That's really all you can do. I will definitely check it out ^^
            Good luck xxx