
Hi everyone 
          	First off THANK YOU so much for all the lovely wishes and messages of support everyone has posted on here. I’m incredibly grateful.
          	Sadly the plan my surgeons put in place back in March didn’t go smoothly. More surgeries were required and recovery has been rough. I’m not in the clear yet sadly as my most recent pathology wasn’t great. This situation has definitely messed with my ability to write, even on the days I’m physically capable. 
          	I’m hopeful life will settle somewhat after my next procedure and that I can get back to writing. I miss it & want to get Angel & Mattia’s story completed for you all. 
          	I know this isn’t the update anyone wanted, believe me, but I had a reader who knows me IRL message me directly about how worried everyone was & I wanted to quickly pop on & update you all. 
          	Thanks for your understanding 


Thank you for the update. So very sorry things have been harder not easier for you. Sending all the well wishes your way. 


Sending hugs and prayers! I hope my fellow nurses are taking good care of you! The next pathology results will be better! ❤️


Praying you’re doing well, we would really love to hear from you. They found a mass in my brea*t in March that came back cancer. It was removed in April and I’m having a scan on the 29th to make sure it’s not back or spread. This app and the few authors I follow have really helped to keep my mind off of everything. Thank you for that. 


Thank you, I’m doing really well and I’m praying for your husband and family. 


@happyga30 I will pray for you. My husband has lung cancer and bone cancer in his back. Thanks to good doctors and God's hand ihe lung cancer is in remission right now. He also had to have brain surgery for a tumor. Sending you prayers and healing thoughts!!!