
Hey everybody, I just read this really great thing one of my close friends of mine (@thisisntgospel) wrote. It's called "Why Not". I think the message it sends is important and it takes a different approach to it, a very direct approach. To me, it's my friend giving advice as to why you shouldn't follow in her footsteps. Seriously, I feel like what it says is important and I hope some of you check it out. Thanks for listening.


Hey everybody, I just read this really great thing one of my close friends of mine (@thisisntgospel) wrote. It's called "Why Not". I think the message it sends is important and it takes a different approach to it, a very direct approach. To me, it's my friend giving advice as to why you shouldn't follow in her footsteps. Seriously, I feel like what it says is important and I hope some of you check it out. Thanks for listening.


I just want to shout-out my friend @thisisntgospel. She has great  poems and I think she deserves a bit of recognition, so you should all check her out. And since I'm doing this, @Shake_Tramp is a cool person too with awesome stories. Plus she's a good friend. Okay, carry on.


@AllTheStars You're the sweetest person on the face of the planet. :) Thank you. <3


@AllTheStars that's very nice of you to say, thank you.


@Shake_Tramp It's more like stresses me out to the brink, not depresses me. Summer is peace. Summer is almost perfect. Summer brings out the better me. Wanna move this to PM? I always feel awkward talking on a message board. 


Yes, absolutely. Let's take this to PM.  Whatever makes you most comfortable is perfectly ok with me.


@Shake_Tramp is it wrong that I like the sad ones the best? The ones where Josh is all screwed up? I guess I'm all complimenty cuz I can be and summer is just a better time for me :-)


I don't think it's wrong to like the sad ones best at all. :) Truthfully, I do too. It's why I write them, and probably why I write them as well as you say I do.  I'm a big fan of "broken" characters, because all people have flaws and things that they hide from the world. But sometimes, when it's overwhelming and gets to be too much, they break. That's when you really know who's there for you. And I also like showing that sometimes, just breathing is enough. Sometimes just being "okay" is impossible, but you still have to function and shove any negativity aside to pretend that you're fine.  And I kind of like showing that even celebs go through that. They aren't immune to melting down now and then.  
            And I like that summer is a good time for you. :) I'm not sure if you meant that in a "the rest of the year depresses me" kind of way or if you just happen to enjoy summer, but...should you ever need to talk about anything or vent, etc... you can always track me down either here or on FB if you'd like.


@Shake_Tramp and in my opinion, you've gotten lots of things perfectly right in your stories


Thank you very much, darlin'. :) You compliment me SO much, and I appreciate it a great deal. But I also want you to feel free to tell me if there's anything you don't like or would want to see improved.  The first story I have posted ("Lie a Little More...") is the first fic I'd ever written, the first novel I'd ever written and the first thing I'd written in about five years. So that's kind of rusty and choppy if you were to compare something old to something newer. But definitely don't be afraid to point out things that don't work for you. I definitely respect all opinions!


@Shake_Tramp school always helps. My poetry got infinitely better when my English teacher two years back told me what I was lacking in my old poems. Thank god for that


Sometimes that's all it takes...just one person to teach you something you didn't really know you were missing. And it winds up helping you out in other aspects of your life. 
            I know back when I was taking psych and sociology, I took them because the way humans work has always interested me to some degree, but I became somewhat obsessed and fascinated by watching peoples' reactions to things and fitting together personality patterns in people I'd just met, etc...  Even so many years later, I still do that and I'm better at it now than I ever was due to all the years of practice. And I truly believe that all of that (plus my age - I'm not a 13 year old without life experience) helps a great deal when I write.


@Shake_Tramp I love like everything you have on your profile that I've read so far. It's so freaking realistic. How do you do it? 


My only true answer for that is that I try really hard to take into account that these guys are REAL people, not just characters I made up. So I can pull from their real personalities, histories, song lyrics, videos, interviews, etc... and use that to my advantage to try to create something that feels as real as it could get. :) I do my very best to try to make sure certain things sound the way real people would speak and act, especially in certain situations. (That, I kind of credit taking psychology and sociology courses for, because it gave me a better understanding of how people work.)  I read, re-read and then do it three or four more times to make sure it's as good as it's going to get before I'm comfortable posting these things. :)
            And it amazes me and makes me feel absolutely awesome when someone like you comes along and picks up on something I tried so hard to get perfectly right.  <3


@Shake_Tramp I love the way you used the little speeches from the music video. It made so much sense. I freaking love it!


Dude, thank you SO much!! I hate to be someone who like...brags about her own accomplishments, but seriously, those speeches were so hard to work in so they made sense to the story. But I knew without a doubt that they had to be in there. It was all part of the video and the song, and there's no way I could have left them out. I'm absolutely thrilled to death that you liked the way I managed to get them into the story. Seriously, thank you!! I appreciate that more than I could possibly say. :)
            I'm not sure if I've told you this before, but I take story requests, so if there's anything you'd like to read that you don't necessarily want to write yourself, feel free to let me know and I'll get on that. :)