I wish you'd post update on Finding heaven. ❣️ I'm so in love with your story It has left me so full of heartache and love and all sorts of things!
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Part 18 is posted! Finding Heaven xx
I wish you'd post update on Finding heaven. ❣️ I'm so in love with your story It has left me so full of heartache and love and all sorts of things!
I just started to re-read Finding Heaven from the beginning.... it really is full of specific facts that I only know because of my addiction to them over the past few years! Books, video interviews, radio interviews, etc. Amazing job! It is the closest to a FF book on TT that I have found. And your writing still ranks way above many I have read; the dialogue can move from funny to heartfelt to sexually heated to deeply moving. So you know where all of this flattery is heading, right? Will you add a final chapter or maybe a few more to bring the story to a proper ending for your fans? I can see you leading to their original breakup.... with maybe a chapter set in the future/present to show where they end up (although I could really get behind an alternate "ending" since I keep wanting the boys to overcome their struggles and end up together. Guess Ayda and Dawn would not approve of that ending. ). But wherever you take us, I will follow. Please find the time to finish this sweet chronicle in the Gaz/Rob saga. But bless you for what you have already given us!
Part 18 is posted! Finding Heaven xx
Finished up a slew of the Barlliams stuff, creamcake and otherwise. Have one or two that were really good but they were very short and the authors had stopped adding to them long ago. None were like those written by AllThosePrettyThings. Yours are very realistic and the sex is exciting but only one aspect. Finding Heaven is damn near perfect as it is, but all of us are greedy and want you to finish the whole story that you have in you.... may end up more like a full book! Or perhaps a follow-up story that takes up with the band later in the history (but I would be lying if I said that I am not wanting the "boys" to head back to their sexual unfolding.) Nothing I have read of the FF with Gary/Robbie has your adorable sense of humor or the appealing way that the characters reveal their emotional vulnerability. Hoping that you will finish it over time. Have you heard that there might be a movie about Take That and a biopic about Robbie in the works? Be well and let all of your fans know if you continue with FH in the coming months. If not, I have loved your stories! And I still laugh out loud at certain lines in the "script." Thank you.
Thanks for the heads up on Part 17. Cannot wait. I am sure that there are many others also! Keep writing. You should be writing a screenplay one day yourself....
@Andie47 Thank you so much and so sorry for the wait. Life's been a bit hectic but somehow the pull of writing ff always draws me back ;) Just published Part 17: So Sure! - hop you like it. It's a little rough around the edges as I just wanted to get it posted after all this time so please excuse the editing issues. I heard about the TT movie but not the RW biopic. In fact to be honest I can't think of anything worse! I've always worried they'd do a biopic of RW and/or GB someday and it's always had me worried it'll cause fractions to emerge once more. So I hope that one doesn't happen, but a TT movie based on their musical would be brilliant :) Thank you so much for all your kind words about my stories - particularly the characters, it's so heart warming to hear. You show such understanding and analytical prowess in your comments - I love to read them. Thank you and so sorry for the wait. I may take me some time, but I never leave a story hanging. This one will eventually be completed in full - but there's a fair few chapters to go yet! Take care xx
Sorry, ATPT. I have tried at least three times to get a reply to your message below but keep getting it deleted. Probably a glitch on my computer. Hope this makes it through to you. I do love your writing. A screenplay would be great for you.... but would not want to lose the book or stories you write since it is the details that I love about your writing and details are not usually a strongpoint in a screenplay, right? The details about the interaction of the characters... their reactions to each other. Although I admit that I actually find myself laughing out loud with your dialogue and banter between the characters. Your "books" stand out because of the amazing storylines.... obviously you know the background to this boy band and its members. But I mean your OWN storylines. As I see it (my Psych background coming out here) you create the characters and the actions that the fans want to see not the ones that really exist. We have a backstory that we imagine.... you create the "real" thing for us. You do the work of the "creator" and we sit back and read and enjoy. It is almost like being a "voyeur" to their lives.... the fictional lives... and it is not just the smut aspects which are engaging us.... it is the all of the details that you provide. It is the fact that you give the characters a real life on the page. It is exciting. And enchanting. They live for us because of you. The way you weave all of the details together and make these boys/men come alive for us. So keep it up.... and do look into creating as book using the template of a boy band and the emotional stew that such an environment churns up. The sexuality is raw but perhaps there is a publishing firm geared towards that out there! Or you can tone it down.... I have read a lot of rather racy stuff in favorite novels over the years! Please do keep me posted on further stories or additional chapters. Kat
@Kat1947 "creator"! That sounds so powerful! I'm so glad you enjoy it and thank you so much for this advice - I will definitely use it, particularly in using the plots and character interactions as a template (removing smut I think). I find dialogue easiest which is why I lean towards screenplay writing more but end up writing a draft somewhere between the two. I guess my intent with my stories is; yes, taking the classic fanfiction route of an alt universe but I aim to conjure up a plausible one where the reader is left questioning, could that really happen? or in the case of 'Finding Heaven' - could any of that happened? ;) I love it. Some have even asked if I have insider information from their early days. Nope, just the power of google. ;) I will definitely keep you posted. Still working on next chapter and quite a way to go, I'll let you know. Thank you again for your amazing, useful and absolutely inspiring advice. I am ever so grateful. x
Not sure if you are still on this site. I just discovered it while doing some research online last week, and I love Take That which I just discovered a few months ago. Read a lot of the fanfic/creamcakes stuff for my research but got hooked on Wattpad stories. It turns out that my favorites were written by AllThosePrettyThings (love the song also.) You can really write. And I have had to read lots of writing in my time. Please keep it up. And if you don't have any plans to get something published, you should. You need a little editing but nothing major. Your storylines are great. And you are a natural at telling the story. You know you could take away the references to the real band boys.... and just write the stories/books with your own version of these characters. Think on it if you haven't. There is probably a market out there for the sexual/boy sex genre. If not, you can tone it down and write it anyway. You need to write, Kid.
@Kat1947 Still here :) in fact, writing the next chapter of Finding Heaven to hopefully update that story soon. Wow, what can I say - except that your comments are the most amazing feedback I have ever received and I have so incredibly grateful to you, for taking the time to write it. I am in particular so encouraged by your words in regards to writing; as I am interested in screen play writing in particular. I hadn't thought about taking the reference to TT away and still using the characters of these stories - that's such a good idea and in fact might be a solution to an issue I've had with a screen play idea I have. If you have any notes on how I can improve, please feel free to let me know. Editing is a big area I need to improve. I basically post my second draft instead of making more drafts, and it kills me when I read it back sometimes (after I've posted it). I've still lots to learn; but love writing these stories and the characters :) Thank you so very much for your lovely comments and for taking the time to read my work - it means so incredibly much, more than I can say.
Hi Apologies for all those waiting for an update - I've been struggling with time and writer's block for a LONG time. I will hopefully now put some time aside to complete the next chapter. Thank you for your patience x
Ok - chapter 15 of Finding Heaven has finally been posted, but watch out it is an absolute MONSTER of a chapter at ~13,000 words (basically an hour's-worth or so). I don't know what happened in the editing process, I usually shave off a couple of thousand words but instead I added them. Suffice to say I lost the plot a bit - hope you still enjoy it though xx
Hi! I'm back! Thank you so much for your message. This year as you know has been crazy and I had zero time and zero inspiration so I was completely stuck then after that I lost my log-in too. But I've finally a new chapter written - I just need to edit it a little and then I'll post it in the next couple of days. Very sorry for the wait but I hope you like the next chapter - Happy new year :) x
@AllThosePrettyThings Hi there, hope you're doing fine! i miss this fic so much and i miss my boys so desperatelyYou're such an amazing writer and I hope you'll overcome writer's block at some point and come back. Just wanted to tell you that I'm here and I will wait patiently...Hugs and love from Ivana oh and Happy New Year!
Hi - update on Finding Heaven. Chapter 15 is now written, so will now spend next couple of days editing the 11,000 word chapter to aim to post on Good Friday. Have sorry for the massive delay xx
Hi Everyone I'm so sorry for the very long wait for the next chapter to Finding Neverland. I promise it is in the works but after a writer's block back in January I am now so incredibly busy that it's hard to dedicate time to it - I'm hoping for some free time in the next few weeks to get it done. It's half way written now. It's also a very long one. Apologies again. xx
Thanks for the information! ❤️❤️❤️ I can not wait!!! Btw It’s called Finding Heaven, isn’t it?
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