Hello! Is there anybody out there?
But seriously, I've been away for a while, both form here and from my writing which is absolutely not cool. It's not really an excuse, but I had things going on which have kept me away.
But I realized a few things, some obvious and some not so:
1. The longer I stay away, the less likely it is that I reach my goal of finishing "The Sword in Pieces" by my 30th birthday. It's June 3rd so... time is running out.
2. I should not let the bad, unpleasant, and/or uncertain thing in life keep me from my passions and goals. Bad things happen. We deal and move on.
3. I HAVE to finish this novel. I received some unsettling news recently. One of those things that could be nothing but also could be something. Regardless, it's put things in perspective.
I know this seems like all the same thing. It all boils down to me needing (not wanting) to finish this thing I started.
What does this mean?
For me, It means I'm working on a writing and publishing schedule and clear(er) outline. It also means major rewrites.
For you, the major rewrite means that I will be taking down what has already been published.
Stay tuned friends. There is change on the horizon.
Love you, awesome nerds!