@roxychick FIRST of all. :P Got that feeling too! I saw you're friends with Kat and TayMonet, both people I know (one better, the other just because she left one or two comments on my wall/stories. So yeah) - Maybe you know a girl called Taryn too? She's on HSH (EpicNinja_Taryn). And you know Marziee, AND - we're going to co-write soon, in her story, on HSH. Haha, that's kinda weird isn't it? My HSH name is BarbieHugsMe, by the way. ;) Asked you to bump Kitchen Cruelty a few days ago :D
I read Kitchen Cruelty (Duuuh ;P I'd love if you name it Kitchen Kruelty haha), and I'm reading Last Letters, but haven't left a comment now =)
Enough? Enough. Answered all you questions? Yeaahh. So what else? Nothing.
Love! <3