*me getting on my phone playing around on wattpad... You know, stalking people... The usual.... (Lol-don't tell anybody I said that XD) and I look in me profile and seeeeeeeeee* 32 followers... Wait what?! 32 FOLLOWERS!!! OMG!!! WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME YOU BUNCH OF STALKERS?! (I kid-I kid) //Mind has officially been blown// as de Dino at the bottom of my profile says thank you, I love you all! And I have plans for stories! All anime related... But hey! It's something right? I'm thinking of a Magi-labyrinth of magic/Magi-kingdom of magic, Free!, Fairy Tail, and Hetalia one soooooo... I have a lot of ideas but NOOOO TIME!!! DARN YOU REALITY!!! *shakes fist at this realm of doom we call reality*