Sunday, the end of the week, a time for new beginnings; which means: YOU GUYS NEED TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE STORY THAT I'VE WRITTEN! The voting numbers have barely changed in three weeks. If you want updates need tell your friends and vote. I, of course, am trying my best to advertise in other places but I cant do it alone. I will not back down so please spread the word and vote!
Now, for weekly shout outs I will not be giving a shout out to anyone because I have no idea who to give it to, so yeah.
now voting:
Trapped- 1/5
The McFly's- 1/5
The Realization- 1/3
Runaway Romance- 1/10
Unintended Power- 2/5
Arrested- 2/5
Point- 3/5