
It's up!!! I hope you all enjoy!!


@AllonsyPotterNerd Hi, um, ik I'm kind late, like 3years late, but I wanted to say that I LOVE your writing especially irondad & spiderson fanfic, so I just wanna ask, will you ever update that sequel fic?? the new story is so interesting, and if you can't finish it can you at least tell us the plot???


          Olá! Gostaria de ter uma história única e envolvente criada especialmente para você?
          Sou Linhares e estou aqui para transformar suas ideias em narrativas cativantes. Seja para um livro, um roteiro ou qualquer outro projeto criativo, ofereço uma variedade de serviços acessíveis para atender suas necessidades:
          **Nossos Serviços:**
          1. **Conceito Básico**
             - Preço: $10
             - Ideias iniciais e simples para sua história.
          2. **Esboço de Enredo**
             - Preço: $15
             - Resumo detalhado do enredo principal da história.
          3. **Desenvolvimento de Personagens**
             - Preço: $20
             - Criação de perfis detalhados para personagens principais.
          4. **Pacote Completo**
             - Preço: $30
             - Inclui conceito básico, esboço de enredo e desenvolvimento de até três personagens principais.
          5. **Consultoria de História**
             - Preço: $13
             - Sessão de consultoria para discutir e desenvolver ideias para sua história.
          6. **Revisão de Roteiro**
             - Preço: $17
             - Revisão e feedback detalhado do roteiro completo da história.
          7. **Serviços Personalizados**
             - Preço: $ 25
             - Serviços adicionais como criação de cenários, diálogos ou pesquisa histórica.
           **Pagamento fácil via PIX disponível!**
           **Entre em contato** para discutir como podemos colaborar e transformar suas ideias em uma história inesquecível. Envie uma DM ou ligue para [seu número de telefone].
          Venha criar algo incrível!


It's up!!! I hope you all enjoy!!


@AllonsyPotterNerd Hi, um, ik I'm kind late, like 3years late, but I wanted to say that I LOVE your writing especially irondad & spiderson fanfic, so I just wanna ask, will you ever update that sequel fic?? the new story is so interesting, and if you can't finish it can you at least tell us the plot???


          I'm just here to announce that later tonight the first chapter of the IronDad and Spiderson Sequel will be uploaded. It definitely won't uploaded any later than 8pm MST. I'm really excited about this and I know there's a lot of awesome things I'm going to get to write. I hope you all enjoy it!! This chapter is going to be a bit longer than normal because I also incorporated a little bit of summary just so you don't have to go back through and read anything since it's been a while. I hope you all are staying safe, and look out for that being uploaded tonight!!


          I am alive, after a looooong hiatus. I have a question for all y'all. Would you rather see:
          1. A sequel to my original irondad and spiderson fanfic?
          2. A completely new irondad and spiderson fanfic?
          3. A My Hero Academia fanfic?
          4. Or a Marvel one shot book?
          Please comment below which one you want, and just a reminder that I do take suggestions and requests and will write them for people for FREE. That's what my one shot that I currently have up is!!! 
          Anyways, THANK YOU ALL FOR GETTING ME TO WHERE I'M AT. I read every single comment and can't but smile at how funny, kind, and sweet you all are. I love each and every one of you with all my heart. Thank you for being you. ❤️❤️❤️


I would also like an iron dad and spider son sequel please


Irondad and spiderson sequal please  


Hello, all you beautiful people!!
          I have written another Irondad and Spiderson fanfiction!! The first chapter is up now, and here's the synopsis:
          Peter swears to always be there to protect the people that he loves, but one night, he's off his game. Aunt May almost dies because of his recklessness, but narrowly escapes her deadly fate because of her new boyfriend, Alexander is there to save her. But something about Alexander seems off to Peter. How can hair be that straight or teeth be that white?
          Alexander starts showing his rough side, and Peter gets really good at hiding bruises. 
          With more at risk than just his relationship with Aunt May, Peter turns to his billionaire mentor, creating a bond that will last the two a lifetime.
          **TRIGGER WARNING for domestic abuse and suicidal thoughts**
          Please, please check it out, because I think you all will really enjoy it. You all are amazing and I've missed writing stories for you guys. Your comments and likes and follows make my days so much better, and I read through every notification at the end of the day. I love you all, so, so much. You all are amazing and perfectly unique. You are the best people ever. Thank you all so much!!!


          I wanted to tell you that I really like your art and fanfiction. I'd like to ask you if I can translate the fanfic to Russian so russian Bort fans can enjoy it too. ☺️ Do I have your allowance?
          I'm talking about the Fan Fiction "IronDad and Spiderson"


@Kneamet That would be amazing!! If you would like to translate it to Russian, I would be happy to publish on my page (with credit to your skills, of course) so that more fans can enjoy the writing!! Thank you for reaching out to me!


Hello all, I really don't know what to do to reach all of you. But I'll keep it short and sweet: interest and interaction has been incredibly lacking on some of my newer stuff, so how can I get it up? Why is it not appealing? What can I do to help you, the readers want to interact and read my newer material? Thank you all, and have a fantastic day!


Hello, all you fantastic people!!
          I am in the process of posting another short story based around the recent happenings of Sony taking back the rights to Spiderman. I created a story around what Tony would do and how far he would go to save his kid. I had a lot of fun writing it, and will continue to post chapters over the course of the next few days. So if you have a few minutes and want to check it out, I would love for you all to stop by and read!
          You are all amazing, and I am constantly so gracious of the likes and comments that you all leave. Your support means the world to me!


@AllonsyPotterNerd Yesssssssssss. I have read it and already adore it!!!!!!


@Tree4D Chapter One is up now!!


@AllonsyPotterNerd Oh my stars I cannot wait to start reading it!