
this message may be offensive
Hey I love your septiplier story "maybe" I have been reading it all night and it's 3am now and it's amazing and super boss! An idea for another one would be that eather jack or mark is some sort of supernatural character (vampire) and they try to hide it from eachother ,there friends , and fans. And also maybe a cute/sad one where mark has cancer but tries to hide it from everyone but don't kill him or else I shall rage:3 I love your story so much it's amazing keep doing what your doing!!!!!<3-Shawn 


 Your welcome! Your story was amazing one of my faves so far!! 


@CrimsonEyesYaoi aww buddy you're so sweet  thanks for the ideas it's very kind of you. I'll see what I can do :) honestly thank you so much this means the world to me :* ☆♡♡♡