
Since a lot of people were like "what’s up with your profile picture " it is gone. It was iconic and I had it since I started reading on Wattpad. 
          	Let’s take a moment of silence for our lost soldier.
          	Now for my new profile pic: THIS BISH EMPTY . YEET


Since a lot of people were like "what’s up with your profile picture " it is gone. It was iconic and I had it since I started reading on Wattpad. 
          Let’s take a moment of silence for our lost soldier.
          Now for my new profile pic: THIS BISH EMPTY . YEET


heyyy alicia


not as sad as mine


            anyways he didn't text me yet. My life is sad


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If you want my opinion on what happened to Seungri I wrote a message on my profile. It wasn't right and if you can't see this you are delusional. He raped those girls and ya'll are still praising your favourite artist? He had a fair share in taking those illegal drugs. He should go to prison for what he did, and that's all there is. If you are saying that he's innocent because he didn't create the group convo he was still a part of it. He could have left it and announced it to someone but he didn't. He decided to take part in the crime they did. FT island's choi jonghoon also had a part of this group chat and what he did wasn't right either. Although, for him he is onl rumoured to be in it. He did have a complicated history in rape. His entertainment said that he was cleared from the police. But I think he did have something to do with it. FNC should learn that denying it will make the journalist come up with worst proof than just a name in the group chat. They denied Jonghyun was in it when I'm pretty sure he was. As for the others, I have nothing to say.


I’m actually so freaking disappointed in Seungri. I was a fan since I first saw him 2 years ago and I had a lot of fun looking at videos at 3 am laughing because of something he said. What he did wasn’t right and I’m very sorry for all the girls who were part of it. The fact that some of his fans are saying that it’s not his fault are delusional. He did have a part in the rape of those girls along with some other of your favourite people. Although for Zico, he wasn’t part of the group chat. He did look at the phone and maybe was a whitness but I don’t think he really has anything to do with it. Seungri also took part in illegal drugs use which I would never have thought of. Yes, Gd and TOP also had their fair shares in the drug industry but it never was as big as what Seungri is doing. Don’t blame both of them for the issue that’s going on. 
          For Yg, his problems at the moment are less worst. But it was still illegal to pass his club for a restaurant to not pay as much taxes. It wasn’t right. Both of their problems will surely take money off of Yg entertainment.
          Seungri leaving Bigbang will lead probably to Bigbang’s ending. 
          Bigbang is not Bigbang without Seungri but it is still better without a rapist 
          Don’t hate me for this  


His entertainment says that he wasn't but he's really close to Seungri and he already had a history in rape. It is only rumoured that he is in it. But I believe it. Sorry for all the fans


FT island's Choi Jonghoon is also suspected to be in the conversation. SMH what has the world gone to


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Should I kill Hunter off? (the main character of Nightmares) It would make the story so good and emotional but i don't wanna disappoint everyone. If i kill him later and he survives his open heart operation just to be killed off by and infection of some sort... will that be too evil or better?


@Argeste go sleep you child of god


@Argeste yeah he’s dead now 