
If you have any suggestions on which books you want me to keep writing comment!


Hey love.
          Do you mind reading my Chris Wood and Melissa Benoist supernatural fanfic "lethal Salvation?" 
          Feedbacks are appreciated.


I know you won't see this and I'm sorry that I'm doing this but I was reading the descendants book we wrote together or well halfway wrote together and I started crying seeing how at one point we were so close now I haven't talked to you in forever I've changed so much since you left because of me our group hardly talks to each other anymore you  helped me more than you know and how did I repay you I hurt you like an idiot I'm so sorry Ally about everything I love you sis


It won't let me use tags in my comments or chapters, can I maybe just tell you where to find the OC instead?


Thanks! So, it's the Tony Grayson Legends Phase chapter in my OC book