Hi guys. I'm about to update the Emerald Steel Collection (I will also update Scarlet Canary Collection with the last part of the crossover later). It's like 100°C in Brazil and I'm waiting for it to get a bit beter cause I can't spend more than 5 minutes with my computer on before it starts to heat, it's actually unbearable to do anything in my room (I'm sleeping in my living room, my bedroom is cosplaying an oven)
          	It feels like someone opened the gates of hell, we have no AC, just a bunch of turbo fans (and is still not enough). I have heat sensibility so it's been like torture since January. 
          	As soon as things get better, I'll update again.


Hi guys. I'm about to update the Emerald Steel Collection (I will also update Scarlet Canary Collection with the last part of the crossover later). It's like 100°C in Brazil and I'm waiting for it to get a bit beter cause I can't spend more than 5 minutes with my computer on before it starts to heat, it's actually unbearable to do anything in my room (I'm sleeping in my living room, my bedroom is cosplaying an oven)
          It feels like someone opened the gates of hell, we have no AC, just a bunch of turbo fans (and is still not enough). I have heat sensibility so it's been like torture since January. 
          As soon as things get better, I'll update again.


Hi guys. I'm still writting part 3 of the chapter Holidays and Heartbreak (this year's Xmas special crossover that started on The Emerald-Steel Collection) but I promise I will post it soon. 
          It will be a long chapter (so far it has 4 Microsoft Word pages and I'm not even in the middle of it, so... )
          Just stopping by to warn you all, it will take maybe 2 or 3 more days but I promise it will be worth it. 
          Obs: I'm taking longer to write now because ever since I got Covid for the 2nd time back in 2022, I'm having a bit of memory loss (sometimes I forget details, stuff I did, stuff I needed to do) so I'm taking notes as much as I can about everything, but sometimes I still forget stuff, so I have to read again and again to be able to write everything right. I almost forgot half the ending of the story, but gladly it came back to me yesterday, and just to be sure I wrote everything else down. Docs says it's long covid and there's nothing to be done so I'll keep living writing everything down. 
          If I take a big longer to update is because I'm probably reading everything so I can keep writing. 


I think my brain is trying to compensate for all the time I spent away from writing, cause I'm having a bunch of ideas, all at once. For me not to go nuts, I mapped it all out and here's what will happen:
          This year xmas story will be a CROSSOVER.
          Yep, I want all shippers to be happy this year lol 
          It will start on Emerald-Steel Collection (I'm already writing it), it will continue on Elseworlds collection (I have it all planned) and it will end on Scarlet-Canary collection (u'll love this one, believe me)
          I also have one new story for Emerald-Steel collection ready to be written. It was really hard for me to get to this point, I planed a bunch of different stories until I got to this one I'm working on but now it seems I unleashed the beast. I'll try to enjoy this wave of inspiration and write as much as I can until it turns off again (I recently found out I have hyperfocus, that's why it was hard for me to have ideas sometimes, and I know it will happen again so let's write as much as we can before I shut down again lol)


Hi guys. 
          I'm FINALLY done revising all my storyies so I can finally update the collections YAY.
          I don't like Halloween so I'm skipping to Xmas vibe and I'm already working on this year's Xmas story lol. 
          It will be chapters 79 and 80 of the Emerald-Steel Collection because even if it has multiple ships, is focused on SuperArrow (it has 2 more ships everyone likes and a potential 3rd one, maybe? Who knows...).
          It's a bit different than what I'm used to do, it has a bit more of drama so I think u all will enjoy it. 
          I'll probably post it sooner than expected, so stay tuned. 


Hey guys! I'm FINALLY on the LAST story I need to revise: The Scarlet-Canary Collection. Everything else has typos and grammar mistakes fixed (all I could identify anyways)
          I'm really glad this is working, you guys have been giving me ur feedback and 7 years later I'm 100% better at writing in another language so THANK U.
          I'll keep pushing myself and improving, creating more stories, so be just a bit more patient, I'm almost done revising it all so I can write new stuff (and revise them before posting, I need to stop being lazy lol)


            will you update A03?