
A few more episodes of Fragments and I can finally release another story in Fractured Tales! 
          	Hope you guys are excited :D


I’m sorry but wtf Wattpad??
          You seriously thought getting rid of DMs here was a good idea??? 
          I have 5 years worth of memories in there, and it’s how I began talking with a handful of the friends I have now. What were you thinking to think getting rid of DMs was a good idea?! 
          Sure they’re not always reliable and a bit wonky, but having DMs made this app unique. Getting rid of them is probably in your top 5 biggest mistakes ever. 
          So basically, screw you, Wattpad -_-


@ARandomCasualPerson Exactly! Not everybody has social media, so messaging here was a good second option. Plus it worked if something happened to someone’s actual account somewhere like Discord-
            Wattpad needs to bring back DMs or else I think all Wattpad users are gonna riot


@AllyC45 Memories of a friend I had who went offline for what I'm aware of- forever- in 2018 are now lost to time because of wattpad


@AllyC45 totally agree, the DMs were a great feature. We could share private story-related information, and more. 
            Another reason why it's a terrible mistake. And what if someone needs to contact us through the Wattpad DMs because their account on another platform was hacked or wrongfully banned?
            It's ridiculous


Ngl, it feels good to be back to writing again now that Fractured Tales is out :D
          The only thing that sucks is that I have some chapters already written, but I can’t release them until certain episodes of Fragments are uploaded. 
          But either way, what do y’all think of those first two chapters? I sprinkled in some hidden lore, but I wonder who actually found it? :) 


@AllyC45 okay and you series are amazingly 


Man sometimes I forget I have a Wattpad I wrote books on XD 
          Anyways, I’m coming back from the dead for a minute :D
          It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? 
          Some of you already know why I’ve been gone, and for those of you that don’t, it’s bc I’ve been focusing a lot on Fragments. Having a steve series is stressful but fun, believe me lol 
          (If you wanna see it, there a link to my channel in the bottom of my About Me :D) 
          It’s also bc Fragments takes a lot of time and attention. From scheduling recording or build sessions, script writing, and a bunch of other things I oversee, I just haven’t had as much time to write anymore. 
          But am I gone completely? No, actually. 
          I may or may not be planning something special for here once we get further into Fragments. You’ll see what I mean later :] 
          Anyways, I guess I’ll see you when that special thing comes out! Until then :) 


I feel like my disappearance off the face of Wattpad has been noticed by now (lmao), and I’ve been meaning to explain why: 
          First off, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. I kinda just took a hiatus so I could work on finishing up Fragments’ first episode (which you can find on my YT channel), then took a bit to relax. During that time I realized how hard it would be to actually complete a series by animating it solo. So I opened applications for a team to do things in actual Minecraft, kinda like RQ. 
          At first things weren’t going too well, until I got to meet Diamond. So now, thanks to him, the team is assembled and we’re working on builds for the series :D 
          During that time I started college, and I’m now 3 (I think) weeks into my first semester. I got a really good schedule too; 4 classes from 8-11:50, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Even still, it’s kept me very busy. Between planning for Fragments and college work, it’s been hard to write anything for here. 
          Will I ever update again? We’ll have to see. Not only what I’ve mentioned above, but my motivation kinda died ever since I got busy with Fragments. I’ll still be here tho, reading books I see. Until then, Ty for all the votes, comments, and follows. Love you guys <3


@AllyC45 It’s alright buddy, good luck with your new series and college!


12:48 AM: The minute I complete my 18th orbit around the sun (aka it’s officially my 18th birthday. Yayyyy-) 


@AllyC45 Happy birthday!!! 


So I’ve finally decided to watch Legend of the Balancers and now I have the absolute urge to make a short story book or just write smth revolving around Re and De- 
          (I just finished watching the season 2 finale don’t spoil anything pls I get enough from Discord friends already-) 
          Honestly, De and Re are among my favorites. They’re like the dynamic duo of the Balancers, and some of the only ones that aren’t chaotic like Under- 
          But it’s funny to see Balance be like a tired mother hen to all of them and make sure they don’t accidentally kill each other lmao 


@AllyC45 good, now I can say that Psychotic Dest is a very interesting villain


UPDATE I totally didn’t forget to write: I got completely caught up on lotb now. No need to worry abt spoiling stuff for me now :]




I think I’m finally getting my motivation to write back :D
          That said, which book (that I’m currently still updating) should I publish a chapter for next? 


@LowkeyKosmic Good thing I’ve already had another short story in the works lol 


@AllyC45 Paradox, it’s coming along interestingly!


Noooo the inappropriate Wattpad profiles have found meee-


@MyDogWasFat Fr tho- 
            They don’t help anything lmao


@MillieAintHere Samee-
            Very helpful button 


Finally graduated today :DDD
          Now I can focus more on my books, and my (MOSTLY) original novel that I hope to publish one day :] 


@AllyC45  congrats on graduating