Ally_B24 computer is currently experiencing issues. I will endeavour to rectify these issues, but until then, updates will be put on hold. I know i don't update regularly, so this won't be a  big deal, but i just wanted to let you all know. Thank you all for your continued interest and support :)

Ally_B24 computer is currently experiencing issues. I will endeavour to rectify these issues, but until then, updates will be put on hold. I know i don't update regularly, so this won't be a  big deal, but i just wanted to let you all know. Thank you all for your continued interest and support :)


Hi, just finished reading the queen and her wolf, I can’t wait for more chapters. Your writing is so easy to read and I love your story line. Hope to read more soon. 


@KristyLee234 thank you .  I'm currently mulling over a few chapters in my mind, but work is swinging into a busy period, and i dont know when I'll be able to upload again. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far 


I have just published chapter 9! I know I’ve been AWOL and I’d love to say that I’ll be more consistent from here on out but that would be a lie not only to you guys but to myself. I have just been extremely busy with work and life in general. No excuse really but I also can’t see these things easing up any time soon. I want you all to know that I endeavour to finish this story even if it takes me a whole lifetime (hopefully for everyone’s sake it won’t take that long) :) ;) 
          Any way, I hope you all enjoy this chapter until I post again. :)


@Geezels I am as well as can be  I appreciate everyone that enjoys my ameteur writing . This story is something I enjoy visiting but I'll admit that I can't pump it out like some writers. I usually have to wait for the story to come to me which is why I'm so slack in updating. I'm glad you're enjoying it though. The love keeps me chipping away at it 


I hope you’re well and this year you do a lot more writing. Every time I see a new chapter I reread the whole story. I can’t get enough 