
Hello everyone, those who’ve been following me as recommended by my brother (ian_star) a couple years ago and those of you who just started followed me, I know I’ve only put out 5 chapters. I’ve been working on a dialogue-heavy chapter for chapter 6, but with bad writer’s block since chapter 5 was made live and starting nursing school last month, I’ve finally completed chapter 6. I sent it to ian_star to review and give me his thoughts since I do the same for him. Once he’s finished reviewing and telling me what I need to edit, I’ll post it within the next couple days. Thanks so much for following me, I’m hoping to have one book of mine printed and sold everywhere one day.


Hello everyone, those who’ve been following me as recommended by my brother (ian_star) a couple years ago and those of you who just started followed me, I know I’ve only put out 5 chapters. I’ve been working on a dialogue-heavy chapter for chapter 6, but with bad writer’s block since chapter 5 was made live and starting nursing school last month, I’ve finally completed chapter 6. I sent it to ian_star to review and give me his thoughts since I do the same for him. Once he’s finished reviewing and telling me what I need to edit, I’ll post it within the next couple days. Thanks so much for following me, I’m hoping to have one book of mine printed and sold everywhere one day.