
@CookieMonster203203 you are welcome. I'm reading your stuff.


Hi Almas, I wrote a review of Poppadom Preach a little while back (not sure if you recall?  I blog under 5inabus and you re-tweeted my review :).  Anyway I somehow stumbled on your wattpad account and have enjoyed reading your poems.  And now I wonder if I could be so bold as to invite you to read the one and only short story I've published here (The Leavers Dance).  God, it's a depressing read - I much prefer the funnybone angle which you nail so perfectly in PP - but hey.  I have other stories which I'm considering putting up but am not sure what to think of Wattpad yet... if it lets me connect with authors I respect though I guess I like it! Cheers Almas...