


The book is almosttt done! I’m so happy to be at 90% finished with the main writing! After that I’ll just edit it and upload it! Woooo!
          I’m going to be taking a little break since I’ve been writing so many chapters this week, I’m going to be uploading some self affirmations! 
          Feel free to check it out, and vent into it if you need! 
          This is me signing out,
          Love , Ally.


I put No More Lies To Tell back up, but I removed the chapters that I had vented into, I’ve been working on a book for a couple months and it’s about 80% done so, I’m excited to publish it!! 
          Also, I’m feeling sososo much better now that I’ve had a small break from everything so yeah, love ya!


I just wanna wipe myself of this planet. 
          I mean, like does anybody really care, or do they just feel pity? 
          My eyelashes are falling out and they are a major part of feeling like I'm pretty so ..
          I was so happy and everything was okay, it started with the lashes, and everything went downhill. 
          I started crying and I can't stop I've bottled it in for months and it won't stop. 
          I'm never home anymore and when I come back all I get to do is clean the mess I didn't make. When I brought up that I didn't make it, they said I should've been here to make it but I wasn't there.
          That's because I was at the place I thought I could go to but apparently not, they just take in any kids they feel bad for. 
          I thought I could take comfort in a show or book or something, but no. There's nothing. I just don't wanna be this person anymore. I wish I was somebody else so much. I have prayed and wished on every eyelash, star and for leaf clover I find. Nothing changed this summer is the same as last summer and I hate it so much because I lost so much of myself because of last summer. I wish I was somebody. I'm just a jumble of emotions that is annoying to talk to because she never shuts up, and when she does she cries because she feels guilty for not letting you talk, but she realizes she was talked over anyway. 
          I have a boyfriend and I haven't talked to him because I am afraid. I am afraid, of getting into something that lasts, I'm afraid that I will always have to explain myself, and I'm afraid of responsibility. I really liked him and I ruined it for myself. I'm so exhausted. I always blame myself and it's not my fault I don't deserve this. 
          He reminds me so much of him. 
          The way he gets mad. I just can't do it. I can't turn out like my mom. 
          I really wish I could kill myself but I can't because I don't want to put my mom through that again. 
          I don't know about that because I know people love me. Do they really though?